A nightmarish start

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A/N I will be adding another member of Coolghost (She's Megans Carbon Copy). Her name is Jaime Cooper. Her picture is above

Megan P.O.V-

Some people thinks that all dreams are good, that's not entirely true. My dream started off great, my sister and I left our home in Portland to attend the Fashion Academy of Milan, Maggie got the 'best student of the year' award and I met an old friend.

All of that changed when we found out we had a sister, well a half-sister. She stole the father we never knew. So I just need to keep calm and ignore the dream.

I had some time to kill before I needed to be at the Academy. So I was sitting in a coffee shop, sipping a caramel frappe. My phone vibrated on the table, and I looked at the message that had popped up on the screen:


Hey M, just so u know
there will be a surprise
for u when u get 2 school😀

💀Evil Twin💀

Can u tell me???


Nope, sorry M.
Thats what I meant by

💀 Evil Twin💀

Aww. I'm sad now😞😞


Deal with it.
Cya M

💀 Evil Twin💀
That's mature.
Cya Boi

I put down my phone. What did he mean by 'surprise'?

**at the Academy**

I got to the Academy on Jess (my motorbike, remember!) I found my sister being lets just say, fangirled over by everyone. I mean I was a little jealous that they didn't even notice me arrive- well except Quinn. I have always been closer to him than everyone else, and I admit, I did have the tiniest crush on him when I met him, but that went away ages ago.

He came and gave me a huge hug. "Gozy. We're all together again!" I'm so glad Nausica decided to joy us with her presents.
"Not all of us."

"Where's Bianca?"

"No. Don't mention her name." Maggie and I said together. I then continued to walk away from the group all together. Ignore the dream.

**not gonna put in the welcome back speech in cause I'm lazy**

3rd person P.O.V-

"Now listen here, you pathetic, tasteless forms of life,"

"Who, us?" The newbies all choursed,

"You have been the ones chosen to work with the second-year students on the entrance exam fashion show."

"Gozy!" One of the newbies said. Maggie laughed. "You are really hurtful," Bianca shook her head.

"You'll be tested and graded on this. Your admission to the school is at stake here, so learn from your more experienced colleagues."

"Prof! Was that a compliment?" Nausica looked taken aback.

"I didn't mean it to be. This is a test for you too, my dears,"

"Who us?" The second years

"Only those who really know the trade can teach it, so if the little brats do well, then so will you. But if the little brats fail, then you'll start the year off with a bad grade. You'll come up with a topic for the fashion show."

"But that's not fair. That's a lot of work." The twins said together, "we've gotta concieve the show, help them create it, and make sure they pass?"

"If they don't, I'll be just as happy."

"But then we'll get a bad grade." Eduard said.

"Eduard, you're in fine form."


"Be like sponges, absorb it all or you're out of ."

Megan P.O.V-

Everyone else had gone somewhere else to think of a topic. However I was just walking round the grounds trying not to get myself distracted from thinking of a topic idea... nevermind, too late. My mind wandered to my text conversation with him and read them all again.

What did he mean by 'there will be a surprise for u when u get 2 school'? It's annoying. I could always call him. But.... then he'd decline till I've had the surprise. Ugh.

My phone vibrated I saw a text from Maggie


Where r u? We
need u back at the

❤Ma GOZY Sister💜
Chill. I just went for a walk.
Be there soon.

3rd person P.O.V-

She shut off her phone and walked back to class. "Hey guys, have you got a topic?" I asked as I walked in.

"Yes, we have an idea," Maggie started, "It'll be flower power. Our fashion show will be inspired by the botanical world."

"Are you serious?" Nausica asked.

"Her language is a bit... hippie-dippy, but it's an idea," Bianca started, "Look at this. Flowers in prints or 3D are a must have this season. That's from Everblacks blog. He really does have a way with words."

"I cant stand that blogger. Everyone was talking about him during Fashion Week."

"Because he's weird but cool."

Everyone's jaw dropped. Coolghost had just walked through the door.

Maggie P.O.V-

I cant believe this. This is so not Gozy.

"Guys, I couldn't believe it either when their agent called and said they wanted to study fashion. But then I believed it and they're here. But not all of them, just the four that wanted to go to the Academy. And the rules say that everyone has a chance to try and pass the entrance exam. So there you go,"

"And we won't disappoint you." Felipe said, then smirking at Megan-she was glaring daggers at him. It was no secret that they had hated each other when they first met. "As a rule we never do," Andrew finished.

"Ugh, they're unbearable!" Bianca muttered, but everyone heard it because it was silent.

"Like a lot of other people here, right?" Jaime smirked at the ice queen.

"Okay then, I'll let you get to work then I'm sure the second year students will guide you as best they can. They're masters. Hm?" Maffei said, before walking off.

"Okay, guys. Why don't we start over?" Quinn tentatively asked.

A/N Finally an update!! You're welcome. It's probaly boring, but who cares?? Who do you this Guyliner is?



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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