...Or not (Prologue Pt2)

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*Back in class*
"Wow, so talented." Bianca (who I learned, is frosty-ice-queen.)
"Why are you so interested in me? You like me don't you?" Quinn asked, I think it was just to get Bianca annoyed.
"Get outta here."
"What's that." Bianca asked Maggie, (I sense a fight.).
"Jacroki. It's eco-friendly."
"Is that the one made out of nettles and bamboo?"
"No, scraps and trash."
"That's disgusting."
I gave Quinn a 'help me' look, which he answered by giving me a sympathetic smile.
"Well I like it, and I believe in it." Maggie continued, "My blog is filled with ideas on how to save the planet." She showed her, her phone, which had her blog page on.
"That is so gross." Bianca commented.
"Now this is a blog," she said showing us her blog in her tablet.

Megan's blog
What did I do wrong today?

They kept on going on at eachother for about 30 seconds, I don't know,I zoned out. Untill Eduard and Yuki came up to us.
"You guys were awesome at the café."
"Yeah great music" Eduard finished.
"Gotta tell you, you rock." Quinn added. Bianca looked jealous. Like alot, and... Great, she ruined Maggie's fabric.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't do it on purpose."
"I'm gonna..." Maggie started, getting out of her seat.
"Count with me. One, two, three..." Quinn said, quickly going over to Maggie.
I looked at Bianca, and gave her a look that said, 'if you ever hurt Maggie again I will kill you.'. she looked a bit worried at my expression and turned away. I smiled, it looks like all you have to do is get tough with frosty-ice-queen and she quivers. Ha!

"5689,5690,5691. I'm gonna kill her! What do I do now?" Maggie half shouted at me and Quinn.
"Easy there, if you want, I can accidentally punch her in the face." I said with a smirk.
"No! That would make you just as bad as her. It's over, it's over, it's over, it's over, it's over," she continued saying this, even when Quinn started talking.
"Snapshot of madness." He said taking a picture on his phone. Maggie carried on 'Its over' yada yada, "Snapshot of sadness." He continued, taking a picture from a different angle. Maggie tried to get the phone from him, which I found to be quite amusing.
"Better run away snapshot."
"What did you say?" Maggie asked, that's her idea face.
"That is better run away."
"No, before."
"Give it to me." She took Quinn's phone and looked through the photos he'd taken today, it was everyone, with different emotions. "Each photo is an emotion, each emotion, a piece of fabric."
"Ok." Quinn said.
"I've got it, I've got it, I've got it! Come on." She said as she dragged Quinn with her.

Megan's blog
Guess I should start working on my outfit too.

*At the fashion show.*
Ok, I'm about to go on, Maggie's just gone, I'm scared.
Ok, here I go.

Ok, here I go

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I came on with my head down, so you couldn't see my face.
"Excuse me, but what is your outfit?" Tucker asked me, I'd been hoping for that.
"Well, everyone has hidden behind a mask before, even if they don't admit it. So why put on a mask, when you can be yourself?"
I took off the dress to reveal what I was wearing underneath.

 So why put on a mask, when you can be yourself?"I took off the dress to reveal what I was wearing underneath

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I picked up my guitar

"Because my true self is a rock girl, this is me and I'm proud of it

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"Because my true self is a rock girl, this is me and I'm proud of it."
"She's a vision of the future, extraordinary!" Tucker praised.
I walked over to Maggie, who of course gave me a huge hug. Then Maffei stood up to say something, "Very good. The judges will now convene, and make their decision. The results will be posted on the school's website this evening."
"Who's that?" Maggie asked Jacques, gesturing to the man that had got up to take a phone call.
"The most influential sponsor of the academy." He answered, like he didn't really care, now that I think of it, he probably didn't.
Me and Maggie looked at eachother, nodded and both followed Bianca, who had went off after the man.
We caught what what they were saying, "Our family has been in fashion for generations. It's important to study it. I'm sure you'll like it." He said.
"How do you know what I like? You never listen to me." She answered, with tears in her eyes. His phone rang and he dismissed himself. We walked over to her, and she 'politely' (sarcasm love it!) Said hello to us. "Were you spying?" She wiped her eyes and said "Stupid allergies." She typed something on her phone and said "Goodbye for good Weirdy, and where are my manners and goth." We looked at eachother, confused as Frosty-ice-queen walked off.

*Milky Way*
"And refresh! Nothing. Refresh." Eduard said as he was on the website.
"Eldo! It's not gonna come any faster, refreshing the page." Bianca sassed/frosty-ice-queened.
"Actually my name is Eduard."
"Who cares?"
"Take it easy guys, it's only an exam." Jacques i-dont-cared.
"Sure the most important exam of our lives!" Maggie and I said in sync, "But you're right, we need to stay calm. 140, 141, 142."
"Stop that it's getting on my nerves." Nausica half yelled at Quinn, who was bouncing a tennis ball.
"Here they are! The results! The results are in!" And I think people heard Eduard in China.
"Well, tell us who got in! Now, stupid!" Nausica bossed.
"Ok, well looks like we all did." Jacques smiled.
"Uh, no not all of us did." Quinn dimmed.
"Maggie and Megan didn't get in." Jacques frowned. We sighed, not really capable of emotion.

Megan's blog
I'll find another way to make my dream come true.

We picked up our bags and walked out the milky.

Hey guys, ok, I know I say this allot but the chapters will get better as they go I have ideas for the future 😘

Guyliner-Maggie and Bianca fashion friendsWhere stories live. Discover now