Confusion of the Heart

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Ayako P.O.V
I just couldn't stop crying. It had already been two hours and we were all back in Naru's office. I knew it wasn't helping any of  us that I was just crying away but I couldn't help it. Mai, my little sister, my friend, my family was gone. Not gone mind you but just gone. Out of my reach as if she was but water.

It had already been two years, two years since I last heard from her. I had thought she didn't want to talk to me all this time and yet, she was with those, with those.....spirits!

She was right there, in front us us...and yet, we couldn't even reach her. I sobbed into Monk's arms until I ran out of tears. I was even hoping to tell her the good news of me and Monk finally getting married. I was even planning on making her the flower girl. Why did it have to turn out this way?!

Lin's P.O.V
We all remained quite, unsure of what to do. "Naru," I turned to him. "What do you think?"

Stay here with the others," he replied. "I'm just going to check some things."

"I'll go with-"

"No. Stay here," he said.

I nodded. "Stay safe."

He gave me a condescending look before walking out. I decided to leave the others and walked into my office where I stayed for the remaining time as it was too noisy outside for my liking.

Mai's P.O.V

I sighed, my body hidden up a tree. I was waiting for one of the wolves to find me. Seriously, they sucked at hiding but were incredibly good at finding. Was it because of their sense of smell?

"Found you!" Layne called from down below. "I know you're up there, Mai!"

I laughed and jumped down. Surprised, he ran forward and I crashed into him. He growled in annoyance. "Imbecile! Do you want to die?!"

I laughed even more at the pile of leaves stuck in his fur, which made him even more irritated. "Women! No matter if human or beast, they cause trouble wherever they go!" he muttered under his breath.

"Mai! Are you okay?! I saw the fall!" Snow came rushing. 

I stood up, dusting my skirt. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Layne softened my landing."

"Is that so?" she asked, relieved. "Let's go back. I sense intruders."

I looked at her in surprise. "The same ones?"

"I'm not sure," she frowned. "I can't seem to put a paw on it."

Layne sniffed the air and growled. "Two of them. They're coming this way."

IN one smooth motion, he got me onto his back and starting running. "Let's get you back to the mansion fast. At least there, no one can hurt you."

"Wait! Layne! Layne, listen to me! Stop!"

Layne stopped and turned to look at me in annoyance.

"Let's go meet them," I said. "If i can just tell them to leave us alone, you guys won't have to fight any more right?"

Layne stayed quiet and did not answer me. Instead it was Snow. "I'll call the others, " she said.

Moments later, if was the five of us going to meet the two intruders. As trees flashed by, I couldn't help but wonder who the two people were.

I tugged Layne's fur. "Who are the intruders?"

He huffed.  "I smell the old man. The one running your school and a young one."

"A young man?" I looked down at him. "What young man?"

"The one you deeply care for. This is why I don't want you to meet."

I frowned, terribly confused. "Deeply care for? I don't particularly have anyone in mind."

I could have sworn Layne rolled his eyes when he answered. "The young one clad black, just like you. Like two peas in a pod."

I frowned. "What gave you the impression that I held any special feelings for him?"

He sighed. "We're almost there. I do hope you have a plan in mind."

I knew he, and the rest of the wolves, were hiding something from me judging by the way they have looked away and avoided any eye contact but I would breach them on this topic later. Now, I got to get ready for negotiations.


Hi guys, I know. It's been a year? Two years? I'm in my senior years now and need good grades. I've quickly typed this up just now, pls don't judge! I promise to come back to edit and update! I really, really, really thank you all for being so patient with me!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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