Baby Blues

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Elena's POV

I've been in a state of self conflict for weeks now. Ever since Freya told me of the spell to find out the baby's gender, I've been fighting this internal war of the 2 voices in my head. One of them is screaming for me to tell Damon and Stefan of the spell before I go through with it but the other is telling me to do the spell behind their back and tell them when they can't stop me from doing the spell. I'm afraid that if I do tell them that they'll think that Freya is going to corrupt the spell and take the baby from us. The originals would be afraid of another set of Gemini twins, if there exists 2 pairs of Gemini twins at the same time then they would easily be able to team up and syphon the power coursing through the original vampires. If they did that then the chances are they'd syphon all of the magic from them and in turn kill the originals. Freya could easily corrupt the spell to kill the baby or babies I'm carrying but I've spent nearly 2 months straight with her. I know that I can trust her and she knows she can trust me. If they die then so does Stefan and Damon and Caroline and as we don't who the head of their sire line is, we can't let the potential twins kill any of the originals. Freya knows that. They all do.

I've been thinking about baby names. I've had plenty of time to think about it with me having to stay safe and all. So far I've come up with 5 names for if I have girl: Jenna, Miranda, Madison, Evangeline and Amberly. For a boy I've come up with: Hugo, Jacob, Carter, Owen, Caleb and Grayson. Jenna was inspired by Aunt Jenna, I want to raise this baby to be like her. If this baby is even half as amazing as Aunt Jenna or as my mom Miranda then it'll be the perfect child.

I'm currently sat in the apartment Hayley used to live in with Jackson and Hope. Freya put the lease in my name and spelled it so that only she and people that I trust and that she trusts may enter the apartment. This place is full of memories of love and family and a little girl growing up. A little girl who was surrounded by vampires and because of that she suffered. When she was only a few days old she had to be taken from her parents for her safety and shortly after being reunited with them, she lost her father. Her father who had to leave to protect her and when she was only 15 she had her mother stolen from her. All of this because of supernatural cause and reasoning. I wonder if it's best to run far from all vampires and witches and werewolves so that the same thing doesn't happen to my little angel. If it's best to raise my baby and give birth to my angel by myself so that they may live free from danger and the struggles that come with being part of the supernatural world. I haven't met them yet but I already love this baby more than I ever thought possible to love anyone or anything. I want to do everything in my power to keep my baby safe but I can't hurt Damon and Stefan by taking the last chance they have to have a family away from them. Although I don't want to take the baby away from them a huge part of me is begging me to save my angel until they're strong enough to handle knowing about all of this. Until they're capable of deciding whether they want t be a part of this world or not. I want to give this child the choice none of us ever had. I know how I'd do it. I'd have Freya put a cloaking spell on both me and the baby for when it's born so that Stefan and Damon and everyone else who wants the baby can't find us. Before I go I'd get Freya to call Stefan and Damon and tell them me and my baby have died and then when they come to collect my body I'll be under a sleeping spell that makes me look and feel and sound dead. Then they'd bury me and Freya would dig me up and awaken me and then replace my body with that of some other person who's already dead. Freya would make a bracelet that would bind my angels powers. After that I'd leave the country and go far away to a place where nobody knows who I am and I'd raise my angel. On their 18th birthday I'd tell them the truth about everything and tell them where they can find their dad and uncle. Then I'd let them decide if they wish to be a part of this world and if they did I'd take them to Stefan and Damon. I'd explain everything to Stefan and Damon and even though they'd be mad at me for it they'd eventually come around. 

If I went through with that plan I'd be leaving everything behind, I'd be leaving the love of my life. I'd be leaving my friends and my family. My home. I'd lose everything but in turn I'd be gaining everything. A whole new life, a fresh start. I'd be able to live a normal life for at least 18 years. I'd leave my memories of all the terrible things that have happened behind and make brand new memories with new friends and with my little angel. I could move to Italy and raise my angel there. I could learn Italian and me and my little angel could make spaghetti every Sunday and we could go on holidays to the beach every summer. We could live in a little villa and spend our evenings cooking up all sorts of concoctions. We could have the perfect little lives if I decided to go and take my little angel away. 



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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