Figuring it out... one spell at a time

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Dear Diary,

Long time no see I guess, that's probably because I've been laying in a coffin for the past 60 years because some bitchy witchy put a curse on me and Bonnie. That curse basically condemned me to decades of sleep while Bonnie was living her life full of amazing adventures, those adventures I could of course not be there for! Instead I would have to learn about them all by waking up from my sleep coma, only possible when Bonnie died, and read diaries telling the tales of Bonnie the witch who had to die for her best friend to live. I would go through it all again if it meant that Bonnie could have a long happy life with a family all her own. I guess that's a curse all of it's own isn't it? The curse of friendship, the undying love and devotion to someone who you would literally die for because they would do the same for you. It's an especially strong friendship me and Bonnie had, we literally died for the sake of each others happiness and went above and beyond to maintain that happiness. Granted no it wasn't a perfect relationship we had with one another but then again what real friendship is perfect? We had the stress of normal teenager lives with a hella ton of supernatural craziness on top of it. We led lives where once a week or so some witch or vampire or werewolf or even hybrid would try to kill us, so it's clear that those facts would put a further strain on our friendship yet it brought us all the more closer to each other. I suppose it was its own version of perfection in that sense of the word. A perfect balance of drama and love. 

As you can probably tell diary, I'm awake so that means the worst has happened. Bonnie is no longer part of this world, God how much that hurts to say is unreal. I'm still coming to terms with it, with the fact that she's really truly gone this time. Great now I'm crying! I should be used to losing people by now but the pain just gets worse and worse every time someone I love is ripped away from me. 

So something happened when I was in the coffin for all those years. Something that none of us understand as even remotely possible. I woke up pregnant, but that's not all. Ready for the inevitable downside to me being pregnant? The baby isn't even slightly related to me. Confused yet? Well welcome to the club, we're all very confused. The baby is actually Valerie and Stefan's. Back when they were human they hooked up and that led to Valerie getting pregnant, but the baby was then killed by a crazy man who attacked Valerie and in turn killed the baby. Oh and by the way Stefan only found out that she got pregnant when she came to town with the other heretics and took over. Yea fun right? We chose to tell Valerie about the whole situation and ask for her help to figure out how this whole thing happened.

 While Stefan and Damon went to talk to Valerie, I went to New Orleans to stay with Elijah Mikaelson so that Valerie couldn't harm me or the baby. I'm still staying with Elijah and he had the idea of his sister, Freya, putting a spell on me so that Valerie couldn't find me with a locator spell. At first I was a bit hesitant about the whole plan but once I got to know Freya a bit and came to terms with how she's still alive and human, I finally agreed to go through with the plan. After all the baby's safety takes priority and if Valerie gets to the baby, God knows what she'll use it for. My room here is quite nice. Once Elijah agreed to my staying with him, he decorated the guest room to fit me. He's so sweet, I can't believe I ever was scared of him. Granted he did want to kill me so that he could trigger his brothers werewolf curse and then kill his brother while he was turning into a wolf but as Damon would say "bygones."

Freya has been really rather fascinated with the whole baby ordeal and on the whole has been looking into how this even happened. I met up with Hayley and she told me how she found out the gender of her miracle baby and said we could probably find out what the spell was that the witch used so we could find out the gender of Stefan's baby. I haven't brought it up with Stefan and Damon yet, it's a big step and if Stefan wants to know the gender then this all becomes real and if it becomes real then it means that Bonnie is really gone and I can't cope with that.  Not again and not now. I've got to go, Freya has a spell she wants to try that might tell us something about how this all happened. I still don't know if I want to keep the baby, Stefan doesn't fully want to keep the baby because he doesn't trust his ripper side. He's scared he'll hurt the baby but I know he won't. He's good and he would be a good dad, I just have to figure out whether I want to get rid of the baby or keep it. I'll tell you of any developments that come about the baby.

Elena xoxo

Baby Salvatore (Tvd Fanfiction About Stefan And Elena)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon