Chapter 3

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Dylan O'Brien as John (John has green eyes)

John's P.O.V.

Waking up later that day, at least I think it was later that day, I hear the sound of banging and metal clanging against more metal. Freezing in place I try to figure out if there's anything valuable enough that I need to bother attacking the robber to stop them from getting it. Then I realize that the dogs aren't barking, actually, Angel, my husky puppy, is still asleep on my feet, which explains why I can't move my legs. I suddenly remember black and red hair framing bright green eyes that look like my own. Ah, that's who's banging and crashing in my kitchen, although I can't think why she would be since all the food I have is microwavable. I know, it's a bad diet, but seriously I'm sure you know that I was a bad kid, so I never exactly learnt to cook and now that I'm a cop even if I knew how I wouldn't have the time to.

I haul myself out of bed, well more off of the bed since I went to sleep dressed and on top of the covers, and stagger to the kitchen, collapsing into a chair. Linda, Julie whatever her name was, is gone and Jade has several pots out on the stove. She opens the fridge and I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"You went shopping?"

"I had to, you had no actual food."

Microwave food contains actual food! "I did."

"Microwave food doesn't count. I mean food you can actually cook yourself."

My silence seems to tell her something because she frowns at me and gives me a 'you have got to be kidding me look'.

"You can't cook, can you?" She's smirking now.

I give her my own you have got to be kidding look, "When exactly do you think I could have learnt to cook?"

She doesn't seem to want to mention my past so she just turns back to the stove.

"I had cake." The only defence I have.

She laughs at that and turns around again. "You had cake mix. Just add water and put it in the oven."

"Yes, but I had to add something. See, I did have something that I had to make and cook."

She laughs again, "Do you want tomato or mushroom soup?"

"Mushroom!" I know I sound like a little kid but honestly, I love mushroom soup.

Shaking her head and chuckling at my enthusiasm, Jade opens a can of mushroom soup and puts it in the pot.

The two kittens, Willow and Luna, leap up onto two of the chairs. The black and white kitten, Luna, curls up to sleep, hiding her head in her paws, while Willow, the cameo kitten, walks over the table and drops onto my lap. Unfortunately, Lyla, my golden retriever puppy follows Willow's example, leaping up onto a chair, then onto the table, only to find that my lap is completely occupied by the kitten, who would only take up around half of my lap if she hadn't plonked herself right in the middle of my lap. Unable to join the kitten on my lap, Lyla parks herself directly in the middle of the dining table. I know it's bad hygiene to have the animals on the table, but they're just too cute for me to throw them off.

Jade finishes with the soup and turns around to put it on the chopping board she placed on the table, only to find that Lyla was sitting on it. "Really? You let the dogs on the table?"

I'm startled into not replying when I feel something wet against my right hand. Looking down I realize that the unaccounted for pet has found us. Angel, sits on the ground beside me, staring at me with big brown eyes and her tongue lolling out the side of her mouth. She yips then licks my hand again before standing up on her two back legs and placing her front legs on the side of my chair, adopting an almost human expression of annoyance as she stares at the kitten on my lap.

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