Chapter 3

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The next day at school, the Recess gang decided to help out Kali, Noah, and Henry in finding new homes for the Buddies by having all the students in the school write down their descriptions to make it easier for them to figure out which buddy would go where. 

"Thanks for your help guys" Kali smiled to her group of six friends. 

"No problem" TJ told her. "Anything for a friend" 

"That's time" Vince soon told everyone, looking over his watch. 

All the students finished their papers and brought them over for Kali and the others to collect. 

"We'll contact you for an interview if you have what the puppies are looking for" Noah said while collecting the profile sheets. 


The whole gang was over at Noah's house looking over every description sheet in order to find the perfect match for each of the Buddies. 

"He's a math teacher" Noah's dad started, looking over the first profile. "And he loves doing math equations for fun"

The kids shook their heads no and so did Buddy and Molly. 

"Well, these guys have a son who's five..." Walter looked over another file. "And he loves baseball"

"These guys look great" Noah's dad said. 

Buddy and Molly barked in agreement and the kids agreed as well. 

Buddy, Kali, Mikey, and Tchaikovsky took Buddha out to a junior league baseball game and there was this one boy who was having trouble just hitting the ball and instead started chasing the umpire around with his bat, trying to hit him with it. 

"That kid looks like he could really use some tranquility" Kali commented while they watched. 

"Chasing someone with a stick? I don't think that's baseball" Tchaikovsky commented. 

"That's hockey" Buddha told the st bernard. 

"Just think of the positive influence you'd be on that boy, Buddha" Buddy told his baseball loving son. 

"Yeah, maybe he just needs a spiritual pup like you to help him find his inner peace" Mikey added to the golden puppy.


"Here's a family who loves going on picnics" Jane suggested. 

Buddy, TJ, Kali, and Tchaikovsky soon took Budderball down to a picnic ground, where it turns out this family was actually vegetarians who were only eating barbecued zucchini and veggie dogs. 

"They're barbecuing zucchini? That's disgusting!" TJ cringed.  

"Yeah, where's the beef?" Tchaikovsky added.  

"We gotta keep looking" Budderball told them.  


"Here's the Finches" Noah's dad looked over another description. "They have a little girl, and she loves soccer"

Buddy and Molly barked a yes while the kids also nodded yes, knowing she was the perfect match for Rosebud. 

Molly, Kali, and Gretchen soon took Rosebud down to a soccer field where a game was going on and they watched as the girl scored a goal and did a victory slide in a very boastful manner. 

"She's a bit of a showoff" Rosebud commented. 

"Well Rose, she's trying to prove herself" Molly explained. 

"Yeah, sometimes it's hard when you're the only girl" Gretchen added. 

"Trust me" Kali mentioned. "I speak from experience" 

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