The Writer

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they go back to his apartment

so he can make tea

and she can dry her hair

it's small inside but

it looks rich

he must work somewhere prestigious

he hands her dry clothes and points to the bathroom

the air is thick inside

and the clothes are too big but warm

afterwards they sit on a leather sofa with mugs of tea

he won't look her in the eye

thank you for coming

he says

she drinks and doesn't answer right away

she won't answer

not until he looks her in the eye

and when he does it's like a murder of ravens have taken flight in her soul

those eyes

she wants to write about them

her fingers are aching for a pen

dark cloudy ink and crisp white paper

she wants to capture his soul

thank you for calling

she says

and they both smile behind their eyes


is she smiles at him

she won't stop

a writer and a serial killer ✔Where stories live. Discover now