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“I’ll see you at lunch?” Jenny asked as she put on her shirt.

“Yes ma’am” I smiled trying to hide all the nerves I have been feeling since last night.

Okay, I admit it. I hate the fact that Jenny and I are in 2 different classes. I want her to be next to me so I won’t feel alone. But that’s not going to happen now is it?

I grabbed my water bottle and headed to hall A. Where I was going to take my classes for the next 4 months.


Without Jenny.

Yay me.

Once I reached the place I pushed the wooden door and I was facing a room full of dancers. Dancers who are probably much better than me.

I hugged myself as I sat alone in an empty corner. Quickly I picked up my iPod from my bag and played one of my favorite songs at the moments.

“Say something” by A Great Big World. I stretched my legs into a split and bent to the right and touched my toes. I stayed there for a minute to stretch my back and then switched to my left side.

Once I was done I leaned forward and stretched my arms as far as I can.

I did a couple more stretches to make sure I don’t pull a muscle or break a bone on the first day. It would be embarrassing to do such thing on my first day here, would it?

I tied my hair quickly into a messy bun when I saw our teacher enter the room. I’m guessing he’s the teacher since everyone sat quietly the second he walked in.

I put my iPod away and sat Indian style and I crossed my fingers nervously in my lap as I played with my nails.

“Okay, here we go” Our teacher said as he placed his hands on his hips. He examined the room fully with his honey brown eyes. His light brown hair was lifted up perfectly. His biceps indicated he has some major upper strength.  

“Hey” I looked up to see where the muscular voice came from.

“Jason?” I asked surprisingly. He pointed to the empty space next to me asking if there was anyone sitting. I shook my head and he sat down next to me. He put one leg on top of the other as he leaned to the beck resting his weight on the palm of his hands which were placed behind his back.

“What are you doing here?” I whispered still looking at the teacher.

“I told you” He broke from his previous position and hugged his legs. He still looked at the teacher as he spoke to me “I’m a dancer”

I looked at him in disbelief and looked away instantly when his eyes met mine.

“You didn’t believe me”

“No I didn’t”

“You thought I was flirting with you” He said it more like a statement rather than a question.

“What? No! “I blushed still looking at the teacher.

I heard him chuckle but I ignored it trying hard to listen to the teacher stating the rules of this camp.

“Okay. Now that the rules are over with let’s get to the fun part. I’m your teacher, you can call me Travis. I will try my best to make these 4 months as fun as possible” Travis clapped his hands and then motioned that we all get up.

“Pick partners” He yelled so everyone heard.

“My lady” Jason bent in front of me like a royal prince and stretched his hand “May I be your partner?”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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