Chapter one

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Olivia Weasley was excited.

After about two months of vacation, she, accompanied by a few of her brothers and their father, were going to retrieve her best friend, Harry Potter, from his aunt and uncle.

She had missed him over the summer, constantly writing him letters and sending him cakes weren't enough. She needed him there, with her. Though she wouldn't admit that to anyone.

Right now, she was squished between Fred and George, behind a blocked fireplace. Not exactly how she'd imagined reuniting with Harry.

"Ouch! Fred, no- go back tell and Ron not to- OUCH! George stop moving ! There's been some sort of mistake, go back and-," she could hear her father start swearing loudly. She snickered.

"Maybe Harry can hear us, Dad- maybe he'll be able to let us out-," Fred said.

They began banging their fists on the boards.


"Hey Harry! Can you hear us?"

"Oi! Let us out!"

Olivia heard his voice call back.

"Mr Weasley? Can you hear me?"

They stopped hammering.

"Mr Wealsey, it's Harry...the fireplace has been blocked up. You won't be able to get through."

"Damn!" said her father from infront of her. "What on earth did they want to block up the fireplace for ?"

"They've got an electric fire," Harry's voice explained.

Oh no, she thought, here we go again.

"Really?" said her father excitedly. "Ecklectic, you say? With a plug? Gracious, I must see that...let's think...ouch Ron!"

She groaned as she felt a new body stumble into her back painfully.

"What are we doing here ? Has something gone wrong ?" asked Ron's voice.

"Oh, no, Ron," said Fred from her left, very sarcastically might I add. "No, this is exactly where we wanted to end up."

"Yeah, we're having the time of our lives here," said George from her left, his voice muffled.

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