31. Withholding Information

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Dedicated to: DaisyJoIrwin
Dudeee. Your comment was so nice. Thank you! I honestly didn’t think this was publishing material, but it’s nice to see that some people think otherwise.
Thanks for reading and giving feedback! C:

                                     *                 *                 *

       September 15th
       Agent R. Harris and Agent A. Peterson are questioned.

       31. Withholding Information
       Date: September 15th

The one thing I can tell as the door slams behind me is that Natalia, Maria, and Leah are nowhere to be found. About five pairs of eyes look at me from their computers, but none of them belong to any of the Cherubim. I narrow my eyes and sit down at a station in front, examining the room.

       A single light glows above our heads and the soft hum of overheating computers meets my ears. I pretend to be texting Natalia, and discreetly size-up the teens in the room.

       There are two girls. One of them eyes me cautiously from where she sits, and then I realize who it is.

       Kristen Fell, a freshman Natalia mentioned before during conversation, watches me carefully behind the short orange curls that cover half her face. I don’t return her gaze, because I know she would look away, but I notice.

       I think back to Natalia and my conversation about Maxwell.

        “We don't see him often and he only checks in with the assistant principal and about four other students whenever he does come in,” she said.

       I recall the conversation vividly.

       And that’s when I realize that three of those students are in this room.

       Ginger DiGiovanni hides herself behind a large computer screen and sends occasional glances my way, her dark eyes filled with a slight urgency. Next to her sits Eli Howard, a scrawny junior with freckles, who now looks up from his keyboard to stare boldly at the side of my head.

       All three students sit on the right side of the room.

       Suddenly the thought that they could be contacting Maxwell at this very moment crosses my mind, but before I jump to conclusions, I decide to test the waters.

       I purse my lips and turn to face Eli.

       I stare into his eyes but he doesn’t look away. In fact, he smiles at me, and it’s one of those smiles that tells me he knows something I don’t.

       I decide to check my phone for real this time, and text Natalia to find out where the girls are.

       And then I’m interrupted.

        “Excuse me,” says a voice from the back of the lab.

       The computer chair underneath me swivels as I turn to face the man. This man is standing in front of the back door wearing a dark collared shirt, a black tie, and black uniform pants. His voice is deep, and he is poised, his eyes serious.

       And a big shiny yellow badge stands proudly on his chest.

        “Rachel Williams?” he says. I don’t nod; all I do is stare. “I’d like to ask you a few questions.”

       I turn back to Eli Howard, who is still smiling at me, my heart slamming repeatedly against my chest. And then he moves his gaze to look directly at the column in the middle of the room that matches the white color of the walls. The same column I thought looked out of place the last time I was in this room.

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