Love and Revenge.

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Tony walked in the bar and of course, dirty looks. Everyday “compliments” that he got. People found him strange, but feared him. He got in a few bar fights and people watched in terror as some asshole melted alive. This bar though; was always quiet. The bartender would just say. “What do you want." He would take the customers order and that was it. As soon as Tony sat down at a stool in anger, people snook out. People didn't want their presence to piss him off, or they didn't want to be a human punching bag. He sat there alone and he was surprised to hear a familiar voice speak. “Hey blue butt. What's ya problem? I know people fear ya around these parts but speak up eh?" The bartender passed him a beer then wiped some tables clean. Tony thought for a moment, realizing that someone actually wanted to talk to him, and it's not notepad. It wasn't daily hate he got at the grocery store either. He spoke up quietly and drank. “Stupid woman I know and despise; likes me. The feeling isn't mutual. And just depressed." The bartender laughed a bit. “Tell the bitch no! What the hell are you thinking? I thought you were some badass smurf!" Tony laughed a bit then sighed. “But my best friend. My only friend in the entire fucked up world. I can't escape her. No person will let me even rent around here, you have no idea what its like to be hated by the whole world.." He thought for a moment, and the bartender did also. They both sat in silence.

Tony got deeper into thought. What even is the purpose of his life? To torture three normal guys for two minutes and just fade away from existence? He knew it was for entertainment and he gets it. But that's all he can do, and that's the only reason why he's alive. Someone could just disassemble him and no one would care. No one would be shocked. Were people celebrating his death when he was gone? And he came back from the dead just to disappoint people? Everybody runs out of time and maybe his time was up. Maybe it was up after his whole time song was over.. a long time ago. Enough with this.. He wanted notepad out of his life and gone. The only reason why she is still here by his side because she's in love. He saw her blush an hour ago.. She loved him so much. But then he remembered. He stole her notepad she wasn't looking. When he stole the keys he stole the notebook too!

Chugging down another beer he pulled it out and read it. “I don't have much to say.. I just want to see him happy." That's what he needed to do to send her away! He'd do some acting and he could leave! Ha! Perfect plan. She'd be happy, I'd be happy, and I can fucking leave! Once he got up, the room around him started to spin and the bartender looked at him. “Ey! You're too drunk to drive!" Tony, not giving any fucks ever; He left anyways and started driving home.

Notepad sat there in the bright green grass and looked up at the moon. She thought even more and her colours started to fade.

“Why does he hate me?.." Her eyes teared up and she covered her eyes. “Why does he feel the need to abandon me like that.." Tears rushed down her cheeks and she wiped them away before the others became concerned. “Why does he have to be like this.. Why can't I make things better?.. Why does he have to get me all excited to see him and just push me away.." Just as she was about to sob, her colours came back a bit. Tony was home and he parked the car in the driveway. “Ello!~ It's me! Tony!" He held his hand up high and waved. It was sad knowing he drank out of sadness but him as a drunk goofball was entertaining. She couldn't help but just giggle and wave back. “Yes I know!" Tony approached her and fixed his tie. She examined him. He was a mess. “Tony dear, What happened to you?.." Tony giggled and smiled widely. “Sh. Nu wurds. Watts rong wif you?" He barely could speak and focus. She sighed as she saw him act like an idiot. This wasn't him, But this was the happiest he could get. “Yu! Arr naught the.. the.. the.. the smartist creyon in t..the box! No no.. brihest lyghtbulb in the.. the.. drawr!"

She sighed and took his hand. “Shut up you dumb idiot." She dragged him inside the house. “Tony you have to be quiet the others are asleep."

Tony whispered to her as she dragged him upstairs. “If.. if.. she said nu.. y naught taek teh deel!"

Notepad laughed a bit and shrugged. “I guess your right! I don't know!" She then lead him to his bedroom and got out his pajamas. “You can change yourself just put these on in your bathroom." She went to go turn around and He wasn't there. She looked right at his bed and he was rolling around on it. “HVE YOU FELT DEESE SHEATS. Oh dis is almoost bettr than t..TIMME."

“Tony be quiet!" She quickly covered his mouth sighed. “Phew.. no one woke up.."

Tony then pulled her in between his legs and yawned. “Tu meny monstirs in mai clauset." He held her and what seemed like five seconds, he passed right out.

Notepad blushed and thought for a moment. He was drunk, and He will regret holding her in the morning. But she won't regret a thing. It's been Two years and this is what she needed the most. She was gonna enjoy every minute of it too. She rested her head on his chest and smiled as she heard a faint ticking; his heart beat. She cuddled up to him and smiled even more. She felt in the moment that everything was going to be okay. He was alive, and that's all the really mattered to her. They need to take baby steps as he recovers from being raised from the dead and fighting his depression. She looked up at him and smiled. She's falling for him even more. Somehow. He wasn't even awake and she felt safe in his arms. She kissed his chest and shut her eyes. 

Today was an action packed day, and it was very tiring. Who knows what will happen tomorrow.

((I feel like I did really fucking shitty job on this chapter but there was not much that I could do in this one without it being to intense and too dramatic. Some foreshadowing though!~))

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