9║the way they present

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Ⅱ For IsaSecret, for making me the beautiful cover at the side Ⅱ

        Candid thoughts scoured my brain, dancing and entwining in an ostentatious manner under the influence of intensified emotions, each step I took uncontrollably increasing the buzz and hysteria coursing through my veins as I made my way towards my dream. Glass double doors stood gazing at potential visitors side by side, patiently anticipating for guests to adhere to their delirious calls which seemed to attract more and more dreamers.

        With overwhelming emotions dominating my feelings, I nimbly, with all my strength, pulled my gaze away from the deranged proposals, stopping and glancing back at Stephan who stood over at a side, struggling with some kind of task. Trudging my way back to him, I was greeted by his disgruntled face. I tilted my head to the side, trying to figure out the basics of the machine he was finding so hard to function. Stephan watched me, his expression stern and his eyes, barely visible under his brunette strands of hair, tired but blessed with emotion.

        “What’s taking so long?” I bark, also puzzled by the sight before me.

        “We kind of need one of their tablet-thingies to work any machine in the Perfection division.” He scratched his head, folding his arms against his chest. “If we want to buy anything, in any shop or do anything worthwhile, we need to get our hands on one,” he pressed on.

        “And where can we find one?” I asked, looking around me.

        “My uncle probably has one.”

         “Your uncle?” I asked, eyebrows raised.

        “Yeah. That’s where I got these tickets from and that’s where we’ll be staying; at my uncles house.” Stephan smiled, the information acting as a final confirmation to my suspicions that he had been here before. “Are you ready to go?” He took one last look at the machine in frustration.

        I nodded and Stephan pulled me away with him to the doors.

        “No, wait,” I said, moving back to the wall, having forgotten as I looked down at the pumps on my feet.

        Digging through my bag, I plucked out my stilettos and shoved the pumps into the bag, placing at the aside. Leaning uncomfortably against the wall, I attempted to put them on before giving up and sliding down to the floor where I slipped my foot in and fastened the straps. I held my hand out and watched as Stephan grasped it, pulling me up to my feet.

        “What was that for?” he asked, smiling.

        “My entrance.” I winked, beaming at him as I followed his gaze to my legs. “And what better way than 4-inch stilettos, eh?”

        My eyes immediately fixed to the doors as I looked up, not wishing to delay anything for a second. Stephan slipped his hand into my mine, intertwining our fingers and for the first time, a wave of uncomforting feelings washed over me. Within those feelings, precious moments of joy weaved in and out but were quickly chased away by the negative reactions I was having. I studied the area around us to ensure we weren’t attracting any attention and slipped my hand out of his grasp, adjusting several strands of my hair, relying on the diversion of my attention to act as an excuse for my sudden withdrawal.

        Brushing several strands away from my face, I set off for the doors, Stephan following close behind. Once he had caught up with me, we both walked at a steady pace for the doors, the incredulous feelings that I once believed to be a mirage causing my heart to beat rapidly. I clasped and unclasped my hands, sweat residing on my palms. I brushed them onto my dress, watching as a woman opened the doors, allowing a bright light to illuminate a large area around the doors. Covering my eyes, I looked away for a moment, only to look back to witness the light bouncing off the floor, enlightening the space around the door for a brief moment before it closed again, taking the light away.

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