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Marshall POV

I watched Salome look at the ring box and then at me. Her eyes misted for a moment before joy started shining. She nodded, a trickle of a tear breaking the surface and sliding down her cheek as she did. I grinned and grabbed her face in both hands, kissing her with everything that had been swelling within me since she'd told me about this trip. I couldn't hold her close, not with her surgery having just completed, but I could show her how relieved, how happy, how fucking lucky, I felt.

When I pulled back from her, I reached down to the box and opened the lid. Sal chuckled when she saw what I'd done. The diamond was a clear, emerald cut. It was traditional and beautiful. The band, however, was different than the typical one for engagement rings.

I remembered Sal saying once that she didn't understand the need for two rings. Knowing that she wouldn't want two, I'd had the band for this one made wider so that it could have the tiniest etchings of music notes on either side of her stone. They were in the exact patterns of the first few bars of our song.  My band would have the last bars.

She held out her hand and I slipped the ring onto her finger. As I did, pieces of me that had been broken and scattered for so long started to come together. Sal was mine again, totally and without reservation, and I couldn't thank Heaven enough for the gift it had given me.

"I love you, baby." I said, looking into her eyes. She smiled, her own dark eyes showing so much love and adoration that I felt weak in the knees.

"I love you, too." Sal said as she tugged at my shirt. I grinned, moving closer to kiss her again.


"Congratulations!" Paul yelled as we got close enough for him to see us. We'd just landed and he was waiting to drive us home. I nodded, unable to keep the prideful smirk off my face. Sal would just have to get used to it.

Sal caught the look and tried to stifle a smile, her eyes dancing as they met mine. I shrugged. I wasn't hiding this shit from anyone. I might even take out a fucking billboard to announce it.

I watched as Paul hugged her, my eyes scanning to make sure that he didn't get too close or hold her too tight. She kept saying that the meds were doing their job and she was okay, but I didn't really believe her. I'd feel a lot better about her ability to hug people and generally just do things when the cuts were healed. Even then, I'd likely be hovering like a maniac. She'd just have to get used to that, too.

"I didn't know Marshall had shared the news." Sal said to Paul, who pulled back with a shake of his head.

"You kidding? He told me he was marrying you ages ago." Paul responded. "Everyone knew. We've all just been waiting for you to put him out of his misery." He joked and I saw Sal flush.

She'd been with me long enough to know that there were few secrets in my life. She'd never quite gotten accustomed to the attention it brought her, though. She just didn't realize what a draw she was on her own. When one combined her lively spirit with my caustic ass, people were bound to pay attention.

I saw her hold back a yawn and I moved forward. The meds they had her taking tended to knock her out.  It was a good thing, because although she needed to move around, she also needed rest. I came up to her, nodding toward the doors as I slid my hand around her waist.

"Come on," I said. "You can give me shit for being a loudmouth on the drive." I offered and Sal smiled and nodded, putting her own arm around my waist.

When we got to the car, I sat in the back with her, unable to leave her side. Sal had been trying to get me to ease up on the smothering, but I hadn't been able to help it. I wasn't comfortable being anywhere but by her side, not until I knew she was good.

As the car sped toward my place, Sal's head hit my shoulder. I looked down and found her asleep, her beautiful face peaceful. I smiled, shifting my arm to pull her as close as the seat belt would allow.

"You alright, man?" Paul asked, looking at me from the rear view mirror. I nodded, looking back down to her and then up to him.

"Yeah. Scared the fuck outta me, Paulie, but I'm alright." I told him and he nodded.

"Do they think they got it all?" He asked quietly and I nodded again.

"Yeah," I responded. "They were really happy with the surgery and her follow ups. She'll have some more to do, including some scans and whatnot, but they think she's clear - though the lawsuit-shy chickenshits won't dare say it out loud." I muttered. Paul chuckled at my grousing, shaking his head.

"How about the two of you?" He asked, his eyes concerned as they flicked from the road back up to the mirror.

"She forgave me." I replied, swallowing hard. "Damn woman told me she forgave me, trusts me, loves me, right before they took her back to surgery. I nearly lost my shit at her." I noted and I saw Paul raise a brow.

"Nearly?" I shrugged in response to his question.

"Well, I mighta yelled a bit." I admitted and he laughed softly. When he sobered, his voice was happy, but firm.

"You're a lucky motherfucker, Em. Not many women in this world would give you the second chance, let alone wash it all away." Paul said and I nodded, looking down to her.

"You're wrong, Paulie." I replied. "No one else would have. Only her." I explained. He nodded and turned his eyes back to the road as I bent my head to kiss her hair.


Sal was groggy when we got to the house, so I just carried her inside. I took her straight to the back, peeling back the covers of the bed and slipping her under them quietly. When I pulled them back up to her shoulder, I smiled. Soon, that pillow would smell like her again.

I found Paul setting our bags in the entry way and moved to help him. We hadn't brought a lot, but two weeks' worth of clothing tended to accumulate between two adults. When we had it all inside, he clapped me on the back.

"We drop in less than twenty-four hours." He noted. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded with a dark smile.

"Sal's back and she's good. There ain't shit any of those assholes can say that would touch me now." I replied and he laughed.

"There will be interviews and such." Paul reminded me.

"I know," I said as I glanced back to the bedroom. "I'm struggling to be away from her right now, but we'll make it work."

"Well, I'm going to leave you to go snuggle up in your own bed with your woman, then." Paul said with a smile as he moved toward the door.

Damned if that wasn't the best thing I'd heard all day.

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