2. First Time

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Roger's POV

I didn't know what is happening. I felt weird. There was a little skip in my heart which I couldn't control. Was it about the new girl? It was strange because in that moment I didn't want to fuck her. I didn't want her to be my one night stand. I wanted to talk to her and get to know her. But oh god. That girl is giving attention to everybody excepts me.

Maybe she didn't fancy me. Who am I lying to? Roger Meddows Taylor there is not a woman in this world who wouldn't fancy you. Still my interests on her was huge. I mean I woudn't mind if I ever get the chance to fuck her. Her body was curved like a statue, her long brown hair was falling down her back and her dark coffee eyes warmed me up the moment I saw them.

Okay now I'm horny. The scenarios in my head are getting over and I can't help it. Fuck morality and romanticism. I want her tonight. I just have to see how I could make it. She'll probably reject me.

I was standing on the couch looking at them laughing and chatting. I was like a psycho to be honest. I didn't know what to say.

"Why you are so quiet, blondie?" Nicole said to me with a grin on her face.

"Lull before the storm, honey." I winked.

"You are not quiet because of Monica, do you?"

"Why should I be? I'm just thinking about the things we would make when we are alone" A mischievous smile appeared on my face.

"Don't you even think about it!" She hissed.

"And why not, are you jealous?" I suddenly started flirting with Nicole not even on purpose.

"You wish. She seems nice girl, Roger. Don't break her heart." She looked at me with serious and worried look.

"Why did you care so much about her?" I asked

"I don't know. We just met minutes before your show begun and I feel like she is a good person. I can feel it."

"Okay, Nicole. It sounds very lesbian, don't you think?" I grinned.

"Shut up!" she pushed me.

"Get a room, lovebirds." Freddie said giggling.

I rolled my eyes at him and then looked at Monica. She was so beautiful and hot. And guess what! SHE DIDN'T EVEN LOOKED AT ME. What is wrong with her? I was still horny. I wanted her tonight. I came up with an idea.

"I'm so bored. We should go to the club" I offered.

"Great idea!" Freddie said. I knew he will want. He loves the nightclubs as much as I do.

"I'm also in." Nicole, the another party animal answered. Brian and John was like okay, whatever. I was only waiting for the person who I wanted to come the most to respond.

"What about you, sweetheart?" I asked her trying to contact with her eyes.

"I- I don't know." She answered shyly.

"Oh come one. The drinks are on me." I said.

"She is not into somebody paying for her drinks especially when it's somebody she don't know, am I right?" Nicole asked her.

"Well, yes. You are right." Monica answered.

"We are not strangers anymore. We already met and I'm pretty sure we are going to get even closer." I winked at her and again she wasn't even impressed. This girl will get me wild but I'll get her. I have a plan.

"Oh come on, darling. It'll be so much fun. I promise." Freddie said to Monica holding her hand.

Finally she agreed. My plan will work. We grabbed our jackets and made our ways to our cars. We went to the nearest nightclub called 'Galaxy', personally my favorite. We got in and the loud music instantly hited us. Freddie's face was precious. He really loved the night lifestyle. We immediately made our way to the bar where i ordered shots for everybody.

I wanted to get drunk. I want Monica to get drunk maybe then she'll get comfortable with me. I know it was so low of me but I wanted it so bad. I was like savage.

We drank our shots and damn it burned my lungs. It was so strong and I needed more. I order once again but now they was three for each.

"Roger, do you want to kill us?" Brian said with disbelief.

"You want to have fun or what?" I shouted.

"Oh dear god, i'm going to regret it" John said sipping his second shot.

"That's the spirit, Deacy!" I also drank my second shot.

I think the gang got little wasted. Well I was probably wasted because i drank all of my shots already. The adrenaline rushes through my veins and I was capable of everything.

Everybody went on the dance floor except Monica. Yes. That was the perfect moment. I was more confident than ever.

"You was giving attention to everybody except me." I grabbed her waist.

"Roger don't." She moved out.

"What?" I looked at her desperately.

"I know what you are trying to do and I'm not into it"

I was shocked but I still wanted her. I got determined. I moved my head to her neck and then again she run away.

"What's wrong, Monica?" I asked

"I'm not that kind of a girl, Roger. Stop it." She was serious. "I knew you're that kind of person now you only prove it to me. Is that what you want? To fuck the first pretty girl you see? Well I'm not one of them. I'm really sorry that you'll fell only pleasure and not love. Because that's what people like you got" She said furious.

It hurted my feelings actually. I've never thought about it. Nobody ever said that to me. Nobody ever rejected me. Maybe she was right. I felt pleasure every time but never love. I gave up on the idea of sleeping with her. I didn't wanted this anymore. She was honest, she was real. I didn't gave up on her yet. I wanted her to be mine but like in a relationship. Real relationship. Maybe I fell in love. For the first time.

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