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Everything hurt. My body ached. My head was fuzzy. Nothing felt good.

My mind was groggy as my eyes fluttered open. It was fuzzy and blurry at the same time, if that was even possible. My poor heart had taken a beating, it was cracking, nothing could repair it. My neck burned from the pain of what had happened, my hand instantly went to touch it and I felt nothing. No scaring, not a single bit of evidence showed what I was feeling in my neck.

I could hardly move, everything ached in pain. My muscles, my head, my heart. Everything was torture. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. Falling off a horse hurt like a bitch, trust me. But this right here, it felt like being hit by a truck, thrown off a cliff and plunging into deep waters and still managing to survive. Barely, I might add. I had somehow managed to survive this ordeal.

Barrett had mated with Rubi.

I suddenly thought how Leon must be feeling. His own brother, twin brother I might add, the one who's always been there for him, stuck together through everything. Barrett betrayed Leon in more ways than one. Guilty started to consume me. But the sudden thoughts of Barrett with his mate, Rubi, caused me to scream out in agony, once again.

"AHHHHH..." My head was spinning once again, but I couldn't see anything in my head. It was like the bond had be broken, severed.

Two people came running into the room I was in. I assumed I must be in the hospital wing of the Packhouse, located in the basement. It was one of the few things I had learnt about the Packhouse and what it helped with. I screamed, cursing. I thrashed around, trying to contain the pain but it was no use. One nurse tried to restrain me, and the other was placing in some sedative.

Everything blurred, my body became limp once again.

My name was being called. That's what woke me up, the second time.

"Nyla..." It was Natasha, she seemed to be crying more than I thought she would.

I stirred, groaning from the pain. Natasha instantly grabbed my hand and shouted for Conri to hurry into the room. My eyes blinked open slowly, trying to not let much of the blinding hospital light in. My stomach moved, I suddenly needed a bucket.

"B...bucket..." I held my hand to my mouth to stop the bile from coming out. Natasha hurried to grab a pan for me to vomit in. I hurled my stomach, which contained really nothing. It smelt horrible and the constant feeling of choking on my vomit was not stopping. My stomach churned, my eyes watered, my throat felt like sand paper. Rough and dry. I pointed to the water jug, after finishing my disgusting stomach issue.

Natasha removed the pan filled my stomach and grabbed me a glass of the water. She handed it to me, which I guzzled down in three seconds flat. I breathed out in relief. "Thank you..." I rasped out.

"Anytime... Although next time don't vomit..." She chuckled, placing the pan outside the room. Conri finally entered, he must have heard my vomiting. It was never a pretty sight.

I smiled at him. "Now aren't you a sort for sore eyes..." I tried to laugh, but everything was in pain.

Conri chuckled, moving to my side. His eyes were red and swollen. He grabbed my hand quickly, ignoring his mate for a few moments. "I thought I lost my best friend, for a couple of moments..." He whispered out, letting a few unmanly tears fall again.

"I'd survive through anything."

"Why did you tell me any of this? Clara told me everything after you were rushed here." Conri let go of my hand and sat at the end of the bed. Natasha came and leaned on him.

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