Chapter Three

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"Alpha, thank you so much for inviting me," Aaric smirked as he walked into the breakfast café a block away from the school.

"Oh, well, Alpha, thank you for coming," Alpha Daryn of the Silverback Furs smirked back.

"Oh, good to see you, Alpha and Alpha," Alpha Cedric of the Moonshine Ice pack teased as he walked back to the table.

The three laughed whole-heartedly as they clapped one another on the back. "This was a marvelous idea, you know? It will make the whole mating regimen that much easier. These pups should all learn together rather than apart. Who knows what kinds of misconceptions these pups will believe in," Daryn stated.

"And having Ms. Fyre teach as well? She will have these pups knowing the safe ways to mate backwards and forwards," Cedric added. "Are you planning to stay for the presentation? You will be meeting your mate real soon."

"A part of me wonders about that," Aaric admitted. "I have yet to meet her, and I'm sure it will be another ten before I do."

"Oh, don't lose hope," Cedric encouraged. "Your mate will come soon enough. There's nothing to worry about. She will appear from the heavens before you even know it."

Not wanting to continue the talk about mates, the three changed the subject. They ate breakfast and talked just as old friends would. The whole time, however, Aaric was unable to get his future mate off his mind. What would she look like? How would her voice sound? What rank of a werewolf would she be? What would her lips taste like? What were her likes and dislikes? Hobbies? Music?

Everything. He wanted to learn everything he could about his mate. If they were bound to be together for all eternity, he wanted to know everything he could about her. And the everlasting fear that he would never get the chance to meet her lingered. He couldn't fathom the idea of never being able to meet her, whatever her name would be. That was the most burning question of them all, right next to when he would finally meet her.

After breakfast, the three began to walk to the school. He couldn't contain his anxiety and blurted, "What was like for you when you found your mate?" interrupting the two's conversation on weapon training.

They turned to face him. "Why, it was the most magical experience of my life," Daryn replied. "To feel sparks shoot across my arms as her skin touched mine were miraculous. Just one look into her eyes, and I knew I had found my happy ending. No matter the way I die, I will die a happy man having found her."

"Wow," Aaric exhaled. "Sure must be nice." Before anyone could say anything else, he quickly turned away. "I forgot something."

"What'd you forget?" Cedric smirked.

"My...tip for the barista. Be right back," he quickly said, only to slam right into a chest as he began to flee.

Feeling another body slam into his own, he quickly caught the figure. The air smelt sweet as pie, and little bolts of lightning struck down his arms as he felt the woman he carried in his arms. And with one look into her hazel eyes, he knew right away that she was, "Mine."

"Excuse me?" the woman snapped as she pushed herself out of his arms. Straightening her skirt out, she huffed as she began to walk past him with her friend on her trail.

Looking back at the other Alpha's, they urgently signaled for him to go after his mate, which he began to do. "Listen, ma'am, I am quite sorry. I have that...Taylor Swift song stuck in my head for some reason." That was a blatant lie. He never liked Taylor Swift's music, but it was quite clear he would not get off on the right foot with his mate if he didn't at least try to come up with an excuse for calling her his. Then again, the lying wasn't good either, but he would explain after telling his apparent human mate that he was a werewolf.

That caused him to quit walking. A human mate, no less to an alpha, was quite unheard of. Humans were meant to stay out of the way of the enchanted world and believe in a false reality to keep their minds at peace from the horrors behind the stage. Yet there was his human mate, standing before him with her back slightly turned to him with her friend by her side.

Looking at Raven, Anton whispered, "Do you think he knows?"

"No way," she scoffed. She stalked up to the man and snapped her fingers in front of his face, waking him from his daze. "Excuse me, yes, why are you staring at us like that? Have we offended you somehow, because in all truth, we should be offended by you."

"No, my deepest apologizes," he humbly said. "My mind is not in the right frame of head- I-I mean-"

Anton could hardly keep his laughter in check. Covering his mouth with the back of his hand, he swung his handbag over his shoulder and smirked. "Come on, Raven. We can't be late for our first day."

"You're new at the school?" Aaric questioned.

"What's it to ya?" Anton snarled.

"Nothing, just," he pointed over his shoulder, "it's that way."

"Well, we're new. What do you expect?" Anton said through gritted teeth while facing Raven.

She shrugged. "You can't pin this on me. Everything looks the same down here."

Slapping his hand over his forehead, Anton walked past his mate, but not without one final look up at his face. He wanted to stare at it all day long, but he knew he needed to control himself. He was on a mission, and he would stop at nothing until it was taken care of. So, in much dismay, he grabbed Raven's arm and dragged her with him to the school.

Aaric could not take his eyes off his mate as he watched her sashay to the school with her buddy on her arm. Looking back to Cedric and Daryn, he smiled wide. "That's her," he murmured. "My mate."

"What did I tell ya, boy?" Cedric teased. "She would come eventually, now didn't she?"

"And she's human. My gosh, she's human," he exhaled. Placing his hands on his knees, he began to breathe heavily. "How the hell am I supposed to take care of a human mate when we are still battling the rogues?"

"You're an alpha, the strongest one there is. You'll know eventually," Cedric encouraged.

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