Sketchpads and Guitars

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Chapter 1

Sweat is dripping from her head, she never thought moving would be this difficult and tiring. She has just unpacked the last box when she heard her roommate enter the room.

“Mary, you’ve been in this room all day, you should go out, have some fun!” Kenna said with a cheerful tone

Kenna, her roommate is also a first year student; she’s majoring in English and arrived in the dorm a day earlier than Mary.

“Yes mum” Mary said jokingly

“and I would only arrange some things and decorate a bit then I’m done” Mary added

“Yes! Does this mean that you’ll come with me?” Kenna asked

“come to where?”

“there will be a party near the campus tonight, it’s a great opportunity to meet new friends!” Kenna said, the excitement reflecting in her voice

“nahh, I’ll pass” Mary said

“Why, are you busy or something?” Kenna said clearly disappointed

“I’m just not into it” Mary said while transferring her books to the shelf next to her bed

“someone’s an introvert” Kenna said, trying to convince Mary

“I am not! I’m just… I don’t know, I’m not really good at socializing with other people” Mary said

“You’ll be fine, you’re going with me and that’s final” Kenna said as she walks to Mary and puts away the books on Mary’s bed

“You can continue arranging your things tomorrow” Kenna said

Mary shot Kenna a disapproving yet challenging look

“Don’t look at me like that, I promise, you won’t regret it” Kenna added

* 4 hours later*

“it’s too crowded here!” Mary said almost shouting

“Well duh Mary, it’s a party, of course lots of people will be here” Kenna said

Mary is wearing black high waisted shorts and a creamy white crop top, which makes her uncomfortable, she thinks it’s too short yet she wore it anyway

“Do I look fine to you?” Mary said

Kenna rolled her eyes

“Are you seriously asking me that question? With legs like that, boys would be drooling as soon as they saw you” Kenna said

“I’m serious Kenna” Mary said

“I am too, now stop looking so nervous and go talk to someone” Kenna said

“Yes…MUM” Mary said as she smiles at her friend, it’s really comforting knowing that Kenna’s here, she’s been in the campus for three days and so far she only has… one friend ha! What an achievement, she said to herself

After few minutes of walking past through the crowd, she finally found a chair to sit on, there will only two vacant chairs in sight and she feels so lucky for finding the last two ones just in time

So much for finding someone to talk to and there’s no way she’s going back to that crowd, she feel so squished and her feet hurt from walking so much. Kenna is nowhere to be found and she feels so awkward sitting here all alone

“hey” she heard a deep voice but she didn’t bother to know where it came from, she’s practically invisible right now, who would even talk to her

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