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The next morning...

After the lovely night, the imminent morning approached way too quickly like the wind.

The morning was embraced by the eloquent sound of chirping birds from outside as the sunlight penetrated through the small battered window on the wall, bathing the room in light.

When the nun woke up in the bed as she realized what kind of a night she had, Jude's light-heavy body pinned Timothy's as her blood purified hours after her intoxicity left her body like a roaming spirit. It tidied not only her mind, furthermore her wisdom flashed in her mind again, coming to her senses at last. She sensed something heavier underneath her...utterly stark body as she felt the absorbing warmness that ensured one another's bare bodies, connecting them like tandem.

The first thing that popped up in her mind was to scan promptly the Roman Catholic priest as she looked down at his slumbering face as his eyes were reluctantly shut, protecting them from the sun rays and daylight. His low snores floated in Jude's sufficiently spacious en-suite bedroom where she shared a sweet, sultry night for first time with nobody else but a man company. Especially an ecclesiastical face of the church. Not only Timothy's reputation was endangered and he gave his virtue to a loving woman, further, his kept vows for over two decades were out of the track as they were no longer illuminating his path to find harmony, balance and light, gathered by God. God's judgmental glares were essentially focused on him and his temptation.

Timothy's right hand didn't make an exception too. Jude's reputation was being menaced to go downhill and leave the church if a single clerical face finds out she's been an unholy, evading the oblivious vows, took by her fifteen years ago. At last but not least, she felt severe sexual and spiritual pleasure. Pleasure she hasn't experienced after participating the church where the sex was a forbidden act. It was from licit. Not only the pleasure resurrected her body, bringing it back to life, but also Jude didn't feel like a nun anymore. In fact, her old habits, the demons were particularly looming on the horizon, prevailing her fragile identity. Fragile identity that fought years with plenty and diversity of challenges that her life quested her. Melancholy. Desolation. Growing up with a single mother. Heartbreaks. Absence of fondness and warmness. No family nigh. She wasn't exactly ethereally a nun. She transformed in a mere woman. The same woman she was before nunnery. With her own personal needs. The mere woman who was disguised as a pious face of Roman Catholic church, wearing the dark habit and wimple and concealing her own desires.

The lonely, boozed night she had with Timothy, rendered her to change her own decision this morning as she didn't want to cause trouble without a circumstantial explaination to the events that took its place in Jude's office and in her en-suite bedroom. She didn't want Timothy's providential Rome marvel being ruined, thanks to the nun who she loved, had immense respect for her and supported her even when she wasn't right at all.

Such controversial thoughts span around her interweaved mind. For example, the pleasure enveloped her body and soul, finding peace with her intimacy lastly. Nevertheless, in the same time, she didn't want Timothy to ruin his life and his dreams just because of one woman who engulfed him as he was interested in her and her feelings for him. All she wanted was to pursue his dreams until they are implemented eventually. As an addition, she thought of leaving the church in a matter of hours or perhaps days.

"How is he supposed to forsake his dreams for a whore like me?!" A thin, ambivalent echo groused to her as she emitted a very soft frustrated sigh as she was considerate to not wake up Timothy. Jude knew how much he loved her and vice versa.

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