Drunk and Confession

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The next morning...

The night passed swiftly like a summer breeze on the beach.

Jude punished the both rebellious inmates Kit and Grace as she canned with her whip sonly committed inmate who was falsely accused in killing women, counting his wife Alma.

After canning and punishing them sufficiently as the pain prevailed their bodies especially in Kit's case, they fled sooner the office, leaving Jude totally desolated as she was all alone with her thoughts and prejudices as always and all over again.

On one hand, she was relieved as her memory faded some of the brutal flashbacks from the night of the exorcism. On other hand, something overwhelmed her unpleasantly. Not only of Jed's words he addressed her, moreover the prejudices that she had of Timothy as she thought he would abandoned her and think her of a murderer or the whore she used to be before her nunnery.

She sat back on her desk, checking some inmates' documents to distract herself from the mortifying recollected memories even flashbacks, paying attention to the documents' details as she put on her nose her eyeglasses.

All of a sudden, a mild door tap interrupted her as she removed her eyeglasses right away, placing them on the desk with the documents as she saw the same tall masculine figure that stood in front of her office the night before. It was actually Timothy.

She wasn't surprised at all as she expected his presence in this morning.

"Yes?" She exclaimed plainly as she allowed him to move in her office as he shut down the door immediately.

"Hi, Sister." He greeted warmly as he sat beside her desk as she left away the important documents. A boyish, sheepish smile curled up in the corner of his plump lips.

"Hi, Father." She said shyly as a girlish, cute smile emerged on her face. 

"Do you mind if I call you Judy or just Jude instead of Sister, don't you?"

"Sure." She agreed as her smile slightly spread across her lips.

"Good. Then you wouldn't mind to call me just Timothy, right?"

"Absolutely." She nod her head, murmuring as her voice sounded almost like a whisper.

"How are you, Jude?"

"I am fine. And you?"

"I am good."


Later tonight...

Jude was all alone in her office once the night hours approached when all inmates were already in their cells. Her dim light room illuminated her silhouette as it resembled a petite figure from outside, where the storm brewed viciously, lighting bolts jolted down the ground, encircling the old, eerie facade.

She was fed up with the wring thoughts and flashbacks from the night prior as she had a solution to her problem. The Martin family cure!

She was feeling particularly impotent to allow the possessed young man's harsh words hurting her conscience anymore. Her single, old salvation was the alcohol. Back in her sinful, naïve life, she tried to heal her wounds and scars from her first real romantic relationship with a man who left her. However, the alcohol rendered the things much worse. Thanks to her boozing in her younger years, not only she lisped as she sang songs' lyrics not correctly, moreover Terry, the man who hired her in his band opted to help her to give up her unhallowed addiction, as a result of his failure to persuade her. In addition to, she lost her job, thanks to her intoxicated nights and a night when she missed to sing with her jazz band.

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