Zahra- Scarred (chapt 17)

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Chapter 17

Me-give that back fool" he then dropped it in the bin. He dropped my foundation in the bin like it was nothing. My eyes widened as I rushed towards the kitchen bin, it had cracked open and leaked out joining the rest of the rubbish. I looked up at him then slapping his arm as hard as I could

Him-what was that for

Me-you just threw my foundation in the bin!


Me-it costs 30 pounds

Him-Err, why does it even cost that much" he asked sitting down

Me-because it's better quality

Him-ahh well, not like you need it

Me-trust me I do" I said under my breath

Him-trust me you don't


Him-don't get pissed, you most probably more beautiful without it" I weakly smiled


Him-you don't seem happy

Me-I really needed it


Me-don't worry" I said opening the bin to see it continue to slowly pour out of the crack. I closed it again leaning against the kitchen counter.

He watched me staying quiet. I looked back at him waiting for him to speak but he remained silent.

Me-yes Carim?" he shook his head still watching me.

I ended up looking away, I could still feel his eyes but just ignored him.

Me-okay you can stop making this awkward

Him-I'm not" he said replying casually

Me-so why you staring at me like that" he shrugged getting up

Him-we might as well go now

I nodded walking past him into the hall way to put on my shoes.

Him-swear down I'm gonna throw them things away" he said implying my ugg boots

Me-if you dare

Him-You know I will

Me-sadly" I said standing straight picking up my black leather jacket

Him-its all blacked out thing today yeah" I nodded looking at myself

Me-I didn't even clock

Him-suree" he replied in some gay voice. I shivered hurrying him out of the house. He can sometimes be a girl and take forever to do one little thing

We walked down the road in silence, it was a chilly day. I liked my days like this, don't know why, it was just calming.

Him-do you break up this Friday

Me-yeah like 12 or 11, something like that

Him-you never know anything exactly do you

Me-look it's not my job okay" he rolled his eyes. We walked into the youth club to be welcomed by noise

Nyah-Sweet art" she said walking up to me giggling

Shannon-don't worry she's drunk" I laughed hugging her. She leaned by my ear balancing herself

Her-you know you smell good" she burst out laughing pulling away

Her-too much joke" she said walking away

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