Zahra- Scarred (chapt 8)

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Chapter 8

My uncle sat there peering at me looking at my legs. I couldn't help but feel as if my whole family was perverted.

Me-where's aunty Mariam

Him-she'd be here in an hour

Me-well I have coursework to do" I said before rushing out of the room

Him-EXCUSE ME!" I stopped In my tracks taking in a deep breath knowing what I done was wrong.

I walked back into the living room standing their unsure of what he was going to say.

Him-your dad may be in Egypt but it doesn't mean you lose all respect for adults whilst he's gone

Me-I know I'm sor...

Him-No! You do not know!" I kept quiet standing there fiddling with my fingers. He stood up and walked over to me

Him-does your dad discipline you?

Me-yes uncle

Him-well he's not doing a very good job" he said looking at me as if I was shit on the ground. He then grabbed my face with such grip lifting it into his view. I just looked at him trying my hardest not to look too scared.

Him-why do you have make-up on?" I swallowed my spit searching for a good enough excuse but nothing. I stood there silent only making things worse for myself. This is why I hated my family, they say discipline is very important but their whole life is a Sin.

He then got his thumb and then began smudging all of my eye make-up making some go into my eye. I made a slight noise

Him-Did I say make a noise?" I shook my head keeping my right eye closed

Him-open your eye" I tried but failed

Him-Do not disrespect me! Now open your eye!" I opened it letting the air sting it slightly.

Him-see this is why It is forbidden. Did your dad not tell you that" I nodded

Him-so you disrespect your father. You are a disgrace" he said pushing my head out of his grip.

Him-what is this in your hair" he said grabbing hold pulling my closer. I didn't dare to make a sound.

Him-what is this horrible nonsense

Me-g-gel" he then held my hair tighter using his left hand to strike across my face leaving it sore.

Him-now go wash your hair and your face." He said before sitting down.

I quickly left the room running upstairs to the bathroom. I shut the door and stood their trying my hardest to fight the tears. It hurt so much to know that even my uncle could hit me and think of me as a disgrace.

I do so much to try and make my family happy. I revise 24/7 I do all my coursework before the deadline leaving me more time to revise. I clean I cook and I know for a fact I a good daughter, but what else do they want from me.

My dad has already stolen my innocence and joined with my mum to make me feel unwanted and a burden to the family. Although he may like to put on that loving father act, I know it's only to keep me giving up my nights to him, even though if I did try saying no it wouldn't make a difference.

I sighed blinking my tears away before turning on the shower.

I grabbed my wipes and looked into the mirror. I had a long thick line of dark shaded and light shaded eye liner smudged from my eye down to my lower cheek.

Right now all I could see was someone ugly who was hurt. I leaned forward examining the smack mark closing my eyes not wanting to look any longer.

Me-why me?" I asked casually looking to the ceiling.

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