What do you see?

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When its cold and storming outside

And despair comes to comfort me

It's like i can see my body as i detach from it

Into a quintessential image of ungodly sequences

My reflexes are dampened from the words of the seminar in my head

As Reality becomes so fragile it is as if

If i was to raise my hand and press against the frost bit glass, all that there is,was,and ever will be, would indiscriminately become a fantasy as i become one with the image of a self induced insanity

An endorphin fueled Delirium


A Tasmanian creature begins to run rampant in my mind as a million thoughts are called upon in an unrealistic sacrificial ritual

And are broken into a billion pieces, at the cost of my organized nature, to never be rejoined, as if they'd fit

I am lost

In this fall I've been pursing for a thousand years it feels

I have yet to become what is beneath

I've only caressed the surface

Felt into every crevice and crevasse

Only to become afraid of what is below

So here I am, soaring, floating, falling but not flying

Or so i believe


A hero i am not

I've long ago lost pledge to a moral code

And have succumb to the wild pleasures of slumber

But i am not a villain either

I hopeless cling to the belief in hope for the cry of another day

So in this world alone

I await in an ocean, waiting to burn

Waiting for the urn of light to illuminate my eyes

So i can, hopefully can, regain enough foresight

To see

However closed my eyes may be

This is how i cope

My Dark AnalogyWhere stories live. Discover now