Harry Indirectly Breaks the School

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So, it was me versus Draco the Midget in a duel of curses, catchphrases ("My father will hear about this!") and cool battle poses. I looked totally awesome and confident about the challenge until the crowd dispersed.

Then I whimpered like a lost puppy.

"I have to duel that guy?!" I whined in hushed tones as I swivelled around to Hermione and Ron, both with raised eyebrows. "Tonight?!"

"This is bad," Ron said – who, once the crowd had left, immediately dropped his I-totally-got-this face to pure misery. "Very bad."

Hermione hurried us to a corner to speak privately. "Draco is a very good dueller," she warned. "Harry fought against him in our second year."

"And did he win?"

"Almost," said Ron.

"What do you mean, almost?"

"He kinda' started speaking in snake in between. But anyway, this is really bad."

I didn't even want to know about the whole 'speaking in snake' thing. Once you've been around Hogwarts for a day, nothing seems to surprise you anymore.

"What am I going to do?" I pulled out Harry's stick of death from my cloak pocket and brandished it like a dirty dishcloth. "If I used this wand I'll definitely end up burning off my eyelashes or melting a desk by accident, or basically doing anything but winning a duel." Draco would laugh and call me a Dud Wizard forever.

Hermione's brow dipped. "You're going to have to try, Percy. Wizard duels are taken very seriously."

"Is it like cage-fighting or something?"

"What's cage-fighting?" asked Ron.

"A wizard's duel is what it sounds like," said Hermione. "Two wizards face off using magic. The loser yields when they can't fight anymore."

Ron stared at me with determination. "You do realise how important this is, right? Anyone who's sane hates Draco Malfoy – basically everyone except the Slytherins. If you win, you'll get showered with praise, everyone will want to be your friend, you'll get flocked by endless streams of girls—" Ron's ears went a little pink when he realised what he said. "You're the new guy, Percy. No one really knows your abilities in magical combat – except that in class you're completely and totally rubbish. If you can prove yourself, and beat that little snot, you'll be a hero of the school."

For once, Ron had said something smart. Although doubtful of the 'flocked by endless streams of girls' part – actually, take that back, Lavender would be at my beck and call – I didn't particularly want to go head-to-head with a wizard of higher skill with a disobedient wand. I wanted to fight about as much as I wanted to chop my arm off. But did I have any choice? Being mocked as a coward sucked more than the risk. Not to mention I had to stand up for Ron and Hermione.

Besides that... there was something weirdly nostalgic about being the hero. I racked my brain for any lost memories trying to resurface, but I might as well have jumped into the ocean looking for fire.

"I guess we'll have to do this. You guys better teach me something before tonight or I'm doomed."

"Wait," said Hermione, as she glanced in the direction of the library, "what about the book?"

Ron instantly shook his head. "No way, Hermione. This is more important. If we don't teach Percy the spells to defend himself and stuff, Gryffindor will be the laughing stock for weeks. Especially since we chalked him up as some high-and-mighty bloke from the elusive Salem Wizard's Institute."

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