Get Over Yourself

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Mara's POV

"So did you finally straighten Fred out?" I ask sort of joking since we're talking about his brother and my best friend, but deep down I could care less. "Not really, but we talked a little" he shrugs biting his lip almost like he doesn't want to tell me.

"Did he happen to mention why he's totally wrecking my otp by avoiding the girl we all now he's in love with?" I deadpan pausing briefly outside the kitchen so I can force the answers out of him with my intimidating blue eyes.

Thank you intimidating Malfoy genes...

"He said he will never be what she needs, and he figured it was best to realize that now before she does." He tickles the pear with a sigh forcing a smile when he sees mine drop. "Where on Earth would he get that idea?"

"No clue, but that's not all. He was saying stuff like she needs a guy that can keep up with her, is as smart as her, and has money so she's not the only one paying for things." We enter the kitchen still perplexed and trying to solve the situation between our friends, something we always do but no one ever notices.

"He's known her for how long, and thinks that's what matters to her?" As soon as the elves see us they all toss questions at us, but I politely decline saying I'll get it since I know where everything is. I understand house elves believe they need to work or their lives are pointless, but after living in a house where all of them were treated so cruelly I find comfort in helping.

"He's hurting Mara seeing her is just making it worse, and I'd feel the same way if I convinced myself I wasn't worthy of you." My frown deepens as I hand him a cup of pumpkin juice seeing how serious he is. "You guys are looking at it all wrong. You don't need to be rich, smart, or extremely brave to have us. You just need to be you and love us as much as we love you."

"Maybe you should tell Fred that" he chuckles and I shrug grabbing the paper sack I've packed with snacks for our midnight picnic by the lake. "Maybe but for now let's focus on the task at hand." I grab his forearm using it as leverage so I can kiss his cheek, but at the last second he turns so our lips connect making me chuckle as he tries to deepen it but I pull away.

"Let's go somewhere more private."

Mara's POV

"So how are your classes going?" He asks as we both gaze out at the cloudy night sky. I shrug shifting between his legs so I'm cuddled up against his chest. "Okay I suppose, but it's hard when your best friends are two of the smartest people in the school."

"You know Hagrid's always bragging about you, and how you're the only one that does stuff right" he laughs kissing the back of my head softly.

"Except those blasted Skrewts, I can't figure those beasts out" I chuckle trying to hide my frustration, but it's hard the one class I excel in and I've been struggling all semester. "Yeah but not even Hagrid can figure those things out."

"Well how are your owl level classes?" I ask still extremely proud of him for getting the owls even though he barely tries. "They feel like any other class honestly, so I treat them like they are" he shrugs.

"Does that mean you're still coming up with new candies and inventions when you should be taking notes?" I tease chuckling when he nods not even hesitating. In case you didn't know my boyfriend's a bloody genius, and I one hundred percent stand behind his antics.

"You know everyone's still shocked you're taking Muggle Studies as one of your electives." I roll my eyes remembering the first day of classes, and how the room fell silent when I walked. Everyone still acts like it's illegal for me to even consider taking such a class. "I actually selected that class to show everyone that I'm not like my family, but I'm actually enjoying it."

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