Building Bridges

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Leah's POV

I got up extra early today wanting to avoid everyone at breakfast. I know I'll have to see them in class then at lunch and so on, but I know Harry and I especially need space. I was slightly out of line I mean it's their life, but I still think they should think this through before they get themselves caught up in something they can't get out of.

"Hey Potter" I look up from my book to see Cedric sliding onto the bench next to me, and I look around to see that we're actually the only ones in here despite some first years. "Good morning Cedric" I chime in sweetly because he really is a nice guy, but all his flirting tends to make me a little uncomfortable because I'm socially awkward. Besides I don't want him flirting with me and Fred getting the wrong idea.

"What are you reading?" I turn my book over blushing slightly because I'm not sure how he would feel seeing as I'm reading a non wizard book. "It's actually a muggle book called Bridge to Terabithia" I whisper shyly showing him the cover which he delicately touches when he realizes the picture on the cover doesn't move.

"Why is muggle stuff so boring, yet so interesting?" He asks and I join in with his laughter because ever since my first year here I've wondered the same thing. I tame my laughter handing him the book so he can actually read it, but I freeze seeing Ron and my brother entering the Great Hall.

"You can keep it and return it to me once you've finished reading it, but I have to go to herbology to go over a few things before class" I state trying to stand wanting to exit the hall before Harry reaches me because I don't think either one of us has had enough space yet, but Cedric stops me obviously not catching on to how much of a hurry I'm in.

"Or I could come with you, and you can tell me about it on the way. Besides since last year when you aced your exams I've been wanting to ask you for some help" he laughs noticing my blush as we exit the Great Hall my brother eyeing me oddly. "How do you know about that?"

"Professor Sprout wouldn't stop talking about it" he explains trying his best to stop his chuckles when he sees my face is even more red.

"Hey Leah!" I freeze hearing Mara's concerned voice, and I turn around tensing as I see her and the twins waiting by the large doors. "Where were you this morning?"

"Oh I just got up early, Cedric wanted me to help him with some of my herbology tricks" I surprisingly say off the top of my head shocked that I didn't even stutter. They nod still looking worried because they always do when I explode like that since it only happens every once in a while.

Mara stares at me a little longer giving me that look that makes me feel like she's reading me, but with a sigh she leaves with George. I swear Fred lingers awhile longer that same look he got when we were at the Quidditch World Cup crossing his face before he rushes off.

"Something wrong between you guys?" Cedric asks as we restart our journey to the gardens, and I wonder if he saw the concern on my best friends face or the confliction on Fred's. "The guys want to try entering in the tournament, and let's just say I wasn't the most accepting of the idea..."

"Well you shouldn't have to worry they're all underage" he laughs proving he's never had a chance to see their thought process, let alone held a conversation with them. "I'm pretty sure they're planning on creating an aging potion of some sort" I sigh releasing a shaky breath wanting to change the subject as quickly as I can.

"Well I'm entering." He adds proudly and I guess discussing why he would want to enter is better than my brother. "I guess I just don't see the appeal" I shrug.

"Yet you run after danger like there's no tomorrow" he laughs probably surprised the infamous Leah Potter would say such a thing, and I have to bite my lip to keep my scoff in. "I don't get why everyone says that, and honestly I'm looking forward to a year where I can focus on my studies."

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