Underneath- Chapter 4

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At first, River looked stunned, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. Then he just looked sick and depressed.

“I… I can’t… I don’t…” He stood and ran from the room. Unique watched him go with a shocked expression. She looked at Kurt and Mercedes, unable to speak. The whole room was silent.

Kurt spoke first. “That was… I’m so sorry for you Unique.” This let open the flood gates, and everyone began to talk.

Mercedes hugged Unique, telling her it would be alright.

 Tina was crying.

Sugar said “I don’t think he liked that song very much.”

Brittany looked puzzled. “Why is Justin Bieber so upset?”

Blaine stood up and offered Unique a ride for coffee so she could talk it out, which she respectfully declined.

Finally Mr. Schue put a hand on Unique’s shoulder.  “Go after him, Unique.”

Unique nodded and raced out the door. She didn’t know where to look, and River had disappeared. Taking a guess, she headed down a hallway, calling his name. The hallway ended in set of double doors, which Unique opened. It was the auditorium, empty at this moment, but Unique thought she heard a voice, soft and hurt. She silently followed the sound, and as she got closer, it sounded like River. It took all her self-control to not run to him and pull him into a hug. Finally, she caught sight of him, sitting in a seat near the front row, head phones covering his ears. He hadn’t noticed her yet, and she realized he was singing.

He had his eyes closed. She heard him serenade the empty stage with Adam Lambert’s “Better than I know Myself,” his voice filled with such need and pain. Unique couldn’t take it anymore. She ran to him.

“River!” she called.

His eyes snapped open, and he turned to face her. At first he looked surprised, then confused. “Unique? How did you find me?”

“I took a guess,” she said, hardly able to stand his guilty expression. “River what are you doing here? If you don’t feel like I do, then just tell me. I’ll understand,” Unique said, knowing full well she’d never be able to move on if River rejected her. “If you don’t love me, then I can give you your-”

“I do love you!” he cried, his eyes filling with tears. “But I don’t deserve you, Unique. You’re funny, and beautiful, and talented and nice… And I’m…” he looked away. “Just a loser with mental problems.”

Unique slapped the hell out of him, one quick, brutal strike across the face. He clutched his cheek, not injured but really surprised. “Now white boy, you listen to me and you listen good. I don’t give a damn if you’re a boy, a girl, both, or neither. You are strong and sweet, and the nicest, most accepting person I have ever met. I love you, and whether or not you choose to love me for me is your problem, but I sure as hell aren’t gonna let you keep us apart because you think you don’t deserve me. Now calm down before I slap you again.”

River opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped. His shocked expression melted away. He stood, and because Unique had worn flats today, he had to look down at her.

“I…” River was at a loss for words. He settled for kissing Unique softly.

Unique’s eyes widened in shock, but they quickly fluttered shut. She began to kiss back. Unique melted into him, wrapping her arms around his neck. River held her close, one hand on her waist, the other palming her cheek. The kiss was innocent and gentle, but Unique felt a hollow spot somewhere inside of her fill up. It felt as if some part of her had never been truly complete, like it was empty and fragile. But now that part of her was singing with joy. Her knees felt weak. It was the single happiest moment of her life. After a little bit, they pulled away.

Unique smiled up at him softly. “Thank you. For giving me my first kiss.”

River blushed a little, but said “Yeah, that was mine too. It was…”

“Amazing?” Unique offered.

“Perfect,” he said softly before kissing her again.

Underneath- A Glee fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now