Spirits of the tribe (ch5)

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  Chapter 5

Suddenly in a blink of an eye, my attacker Jumped and landed right on my face forcing me to collapse down word. A Razor sharp claw pierced four holes into my back as I struggled to get the attacker of my face. I saw the thick brown, grey furred animal’s belly, as I struggled to get up.

My attacker bit me in my neck and painfully forced me down in the cold snow… I was expecting more oversized dogs to jump out and join the beast as I struggled but this time it was just me and the grey furry beast.

Blood poured from the wounds the beast gave me. Suddenly a thick wind flashed by in my sight. It suddenly started forming itself into something quickly… It was Bidziil!

His spirit was swirling in the wind. I finally knew he was with me! I then saw the formation fall into the soft ice flakes it first appeared in.

I then switched back to the fight, eager to get the animal off I through the grey furred animal off me into the stone it hid behind previously.

The daylight was shining over me as the clouds cleared. My fur blew proudly in the wined as I watched my attacker pic himself up. His eyes opened and looked right at me. He paused.

“Not bad, not bad!” He barked. “Yes, but let’s see how you do when the rest of us come !” His eyes narrowed on me as I stepped forward, thinking about what he had just said.

“Who are you?” I paused… “And what are you talking about?!” I growled.

He then stepped closer into the sunlight so I could see his filthy stained brown and grey coat. I then saw what my attacker was. Just as i thought...a Coyote! I felt a strike of Hate hit my body, as if a knife had just slowly ran through my tail to my face.

“ I am a part of the yunke-lo pack ” he said with a twitch “ ha-ha-ha  I remember hearing about you!” I looked at him still bottling up my hate, waiting to explode. “So..."he paused” I see you still live with...those things that enjoy stealing are food, and killing us for fur.” He said quietly, glaring at me almost knowing exactly what I was going to say next “Yah Yah! we are no better than them!” Replied the scuffed up Coyote. He paused and sniffed the air to catch my scent. “Uh YUCK!" he snorted" The scent of human!” He looked at me in disgust. “I guess that’s why you fight like a tamed puppy!" He said laughing and twitching! I looked at him and suddenly my anger spilled.

“Listen! You better get out of here before I rip you to shreds!" I said as my ears flattened on my soft head.

"I would love to stay and fight with you, but I’d rather not have humans kill me for fur, "he said slowly turning serious and scooping out dead animal flesh from his dirt filled claws. "Oh, but don't worry" He walked slowly around me in the direction he first came from then paused, "il be back soon, with the rest of the pack."

"Yah and if you do I will kill you!" He smirked at me one last time with his evil thin face, then turned back and then disappeared in the dark shadows of the forest.

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