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I wake up to my phone buzzing. I jump up waking Niall as well. As soon as he feels me jolt his arm is around me at once.

"Ni, I'm fine. My phone just scared me." I say trying to wiggle out of his grasp. He loosens up enough for me to grab my phone and answer it.

"Hello?" I say sitting up now.

"Hey Lillie, umm where are you?" It was Phil. I look at the clock and see it reads 12:15 pm. Shit, I was suppose to be at work at fifteen minutes ago. I jump up and grab my bag and run to Niall's bathroom. I yank out the makeup I have in there and start to apply it to my face.

"Oh my god Phil, I am so sorry, I slept in! Please cover for me just for like ten more minutes! I'll be right there!" I see Niall standing in the door way with his eyebrows scrunched together.

"Ok, but only because you've never been late before." Phil hangs up.

"Who was that?" Niall asks, already knowing.

"It was Phil. I'm late for work, I have to go." Niall's body tenses. I finish applying my makeup and try to walk past him. But of course he doesn't let me.

"Niall." I whine.

"I don't want you to go to work." He whispers kissing my cheek and leaving his lips there.

"I have to." Was all I said before finally pushing past him. He groans but takes my hand.

"I'll drive." He mutters.

After Niall dropped me off I ran to Phil.

"I'm really sorry- I know I look like a mess and everything- I stayed the night over Niall's and I sle-"

"Okay! I don't want to know about your guys sex life!" Phil says covering his ears. I hit him.

"Oh shut up- I wasn't- we haven't- ugh never my mind. Perv."

Phil laughs, sticking his tongue out.

"I'm actually surprised he didn't come in here and kick my ass." He says. I roll my eyes.

"Trust me Phil, your lucky he didn't."

Phil puts his hands up In defense.

"Hey, I believe he could hurt me. That kid has crazy in his eyes."

I ignore him and carrying on working.

About an hour before my shift is done, I get a text from Niall.

Niall: Sorry baby not gonna be able to pick you up....work :(

Lillie: Oh okay, I can have Phil drive me home

Niall: Over my dead body. Have Becca pick you up.

Lillie: alright, alright

Niall: Lillie if I find out you walked home I'm going to be very upset, so I'll be sure to call Becca and ask

Lillie: Okay, okay, calling her now

Niall: Thank you xx

I roll my eyes and dial Becca's number. Well thankfully, she had her car back and she able to come get me. Niall texted saying he talked to Becca and that he wasn't coming home till late. When Becca picked me up she also said she was working late tonight. Meaning I'd be home alone. Which isn't something Niall would be too fond of. I receive a text from him an hour after I get home.

Niall: What are you doing?

Lillie: Nothing, at home boredddd....when are you done with work?

Niall: Hopefully soon princess. Where's Becca? Why don't you do something with her?

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