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~Dark Niall~ Chapter five

"No, no. I can't, not right now. Not tonight. I will. Okay, alright." I wake up hearing.

I don't turn around but I know Niall must be on the phone to someone. He sounded frustrated.

"Listen, I got to go, but don't worry it will get done." He speaks swiftly. I feel the weight of the bed go down where I'm laying and I quickly shut my eyes. But I can't fool Niall.

"Wake up baby." He whispers in my ear. I open my eyes and meet his. "Have a good sleep?"

I nod causing a smile to fall on his lips. "You excited for our date tonight?" I frown a bit and he chuckles.

"Of course you are." He says getting up. I sit up as well and feel a lot better then last night.

"How do you feel?"

I shrug.

"Better then last night...uh, Niall, who were you talking to on the phone?" I ask kind of nervously.

"Just my boss." He flatly states.

"You have a job? Doing what?" I say kind of shocked.


Why was he being all weird? So mysterious again? Before I can say anything further he walks out. I didn't like it when he did that. Left me hanging.

He comes back with some toast.

"I'm gonna get in the shower, you eat." He says turning towards the bathroom before stopping. "Unless you want to join me?" He winks. I roll my eyes at him taking a bite of the toast.

"Yeah, I'll pass."

"Your loss." He shrugs. "Oh and don't even think about leaving."

"Wait Niall, shouldn't we talk about last night?"

His hand clenches around the door handle.

"At dinner." Coldness lurked in his voice, so I let it be. For now, anyways. He shuts the bathroom door behind him and as soon as I hear the water running, I get up.

I begin to wander through his living room. Everything looks normal, no dead bodies anywhere. That's good. But what I thought was weird is that there were no family photos. Didn't he have a family?

I begin too look at the books he ownrd. Old. They were all old. Like the hardy boys and Sherlock Holmes. I was loosing my interest in his little collection of books until I saw something peeking out of one of them. I pick it up, taking out a picture of Niall and another guy. They have their arms thrown across each others shoulders like they were super close. They resembled each other a lot. I here the floor creak behind me suddenly and it causes me to jump. Niall's expression tells me he's not pleased with my snooping. He walks swiftly over to me and takes the picture out of my hand. I feel myself blush as I soon realize he's only wearing a towel loosely around his waist. I must say he looks extremely sexy, with his wet hair and toned wet body. I try to push those feeling aside though as he stares down at the picture.

"It's my brother." He said not taking his eyes off the picture. "Greg."

I nod, finding my feet suddenly very interesting. I felt bad for snooping, but if he was going lock me in his house and force me to get to know him then what else was I suposed to do. He slid the picture back in the book and stared at me. I try as hard as I possibly can not to let me eyes travel down past his hips.

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