Youtube: Ignoring Girlfriend for 24hrs....(She hit me)

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Ambs: *paces round the room* Michael Manfre answer me!

Dk: *walks into bedroom* Hey Manfs

Mike: what it do?

Ambs: are you serious right now?

Dk: we still on for Seaside later?!

Ambs: uhm we have dinner plans Manfs

Mike: yeah betty *high fives Dk*

Ambs: *punches Mikey*

Dk: Wawa?!

Mike: ayeeeeee *walks out room, behind Dk*

Camera slomos on Amber then goes black with Mikey Manfs

Mike: what's going on YouTube? Welcome back to my channel...if you don't know who I am; I'm Mikey Manfs, you guys are the locals and this is a daily vlogging channel....

Ash: Now how can it be daily when you haven't uploaded in a week?!

Mike: and that's my annoying sister thinking she's so smart, but we're just going to ignore her cause actually that's the theme of today's video.....I'm going to be doing the Ignoring My Girlfriend for 24 hour challenge

Ash: she's going to kill you Manfs

Mike: nah, but I might be girlfriendless after this video; so guys drop a like right like equals one tear for me *laughs* ok, I'm just going to get right into the video cause this intro is already long enough.....and

Screen goes black with the words "Ignoring My Girlfriend for 24hrs"

Mike: ok guys so Jake just texted me that him and Ambs are coming upstairs right now; so I need to hide the camera....Uhm maybe *sets camera down on end table* perfect now once they get here I'm only going to talk to Jake and not her and hopefully we get a good reaction out of her....maybe she'll hit me or breakup with me *fake laughs* I'm just kidding, bamba don't do that I love you it's just a prank.....

Jake: hey what up?!

Mike: yeah!

Jake: yo, where are you?

Mike: I'm here *walks into kitchen* what up Duf

Jake: nuttin much

Mike: same

Ambs: hey babe I'm hungry, can I have this leftover pizza in the fridge?

Mike: we still on for 3am at suicide bridge tonight?

Jake: yea—

Ambs: Mikey?! Pizza?!

Mike: I'll be back *walks away*

Camera switches to room camera

Ambs: did he jus—*follows Mikey* Michael Manfre is there a reason your not talking to me?!

Mike: *sits at desk, looking at computer*

Ambs: babe?! Hello?!

Mike: *sighs*

Ambs: hmph *sits on desk* you want to talk now?!

Mike: *goes on phone*

Ambs: unbelievable *jumps off desk, crossing arms* did I do something to make you upset?! Babe, I'm sorry *pouts*

Text appears on screen; "Almost broke here"

Mike: *lets out small chuckle*

Ambs: babe why are you laughing?!

Mike: *messes with computer*

Ambs: *paces around the room* Michael Manfre answer me!

Dk: *walks into room* Hey Manfs!

Mike: what it do?

Ambs: are you serious right now?

Dk: we still on for Seaside later?!

Ambs: uhm we have dinner plans Manfs

Mike: yeah betty *high fives Dk*

Ambs: *punches Mikey*

Dk: Wawa?!

Mike: ayeeeeee *walks out room, behind Dk*

Ambs: *looks around room as screen goes black* What the h*ll?!

Black screen "To be continued...."

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