Sage, Pink Ribbon, and a face you will not forget.

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Ja De Vue and the places you've been have alot in common. Ja de vue. Means the feeling of thinking i have never been here and i have never fucking done this. Temporary amnesia if you will. Places can not remember who has been there only time can.

What if I told you that reincarnation is real and true, and that when you die you get rebooted as a nessicary lesson. So lets say your a human and you die, well your card gets pulled reshuffled and you are dealt a new hand. So okay lets say you are the kinda person who preys on the weak, in your next life you might end up a dog with an owner who's is not so nice. Its karmatic black jack sometimes you bust sometimes you get it right, and sometimes there's just a bunch of fuckery.

----Partying in Paris.----

Paris,Texas is not as much of a shit whole as you might think provided, your not a person of color or a Jew! Why Jews i don't know. We got off the plane, who knew you could buy out a whole plane and where did Zane get all this money? The question I never really got an answer for but i also never really asked.

It dawned on me then i really knew nothing about him and i was adult knapped again. He looked at me and smiled. "You agreed to come with." I gasped. "Can you read my mind?" He smiled a good warlock never tells." I tried to keep my mind as clear as i could. Apparently, I Stella can not walk and think anyway so walking and trying not to think did not work. I took a step off the plane and completely missed the step i intended on hitting. I hit my head three times one step after the other. I could feel my legs and arms crumple as i hit the ground. I let me hair hide my face while i sobbed for a moment.

" Stop your crying little girl. Pick yourself up your fine." he whispered at this point he was on one knee leaned down almost whispering in my ear. I sat up the world took a minuet to get a hold of, on account of the fact that it was now spinning wildly around me. He kissed my for head lets go to the hotel and get you cleaned up.

The hotel we got was run down and Janky. We walked right by the office we didn't even check in Zane just waved his hand at the old man with coke bottle glasses. He smiled from behind the foggy glass. We walked around the back there was an additional room built off the back of the building. The door was a turquoise color with word lue written on it in fancy lettering. Below the words was the mark that my grandmother had given to me.
My insides quivered what is going on why do i know this place? " Your not getting a quickie in the john." he chuckled "Please i don't do quickies. How could you think so little of me.." He chuckled. "This is our two bed suite my dear, two beds so you don't get any ideas." He opened the door.
The room was amazing!! Our beds were seperated by a tri fold partition like one of those Chinese fancy ones. My bed was white with a sheer purple canopy that went around the white post. I was in heaven, beside the bed was a wardrobe filled with the most elegant and wild dresses I've ever seen. I picked out a purple dress that fell just above the knee with lime green trim all the way around.
"We have our own bathrooms too." Zane hollard from across the room.
I walked over to a white door with a picture of a girl blowing a kiss on it. The bathroom was as amazing as the room. It was lavender and pink the tub was black and filled candles lit and bubbles.
I quickly undressed and got in.

The water was perfect temperature, I put on some music and relaxed.
The bubbles were amazing. Just then it dawned on me, I had totally for got about my real life. I jumped out of the bath, and ran for the door, witch zane was pushing open to see if i had drowned.
I lost my footing and flailed around in a cartoon manner. I hit the floor and everything went black.

I awoke fully dressed no bruises or visible open wounds. Zane was smiling at me from across the room.
I felt uncomfortable. Not because of the way he happened to be staring at me but by the fact i had a wedgie from the panties he put me in. "Ladies should wear undergarments." as i quickly took them off and tossed them at him. "Fuck off your not my supervisor." He sucked his teeth at me. " Your are a charming one aren't you." "Charm is a synonym for Stell." He scoffed and walked away. I followed him, and threw myself on his bed. "Where are we going good sir?" I asked in my most pompous voice.

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