The Deepest south & The roots you can't kill.

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Everything can be achieved with heart, head, and a little magic.

Just so you know we magic crafters, we get a bad name. Not all of us are sociopaths out to get all we can take...... Well, with the exception of me. I guess you could call these my memoirs. I like to call them a long strange trip to a place, I still don't know I am ever going to reach.

Along long, long, long time ago a bunch of cave men and cave ladies were wandering through the damn desert. This used to be the ocean, but was totally exposed due to the earth cleansing herself of all the unwanted shit that could not get along with her system.

I like that take on life, if it doesn't add to your health get rid of it. The earth's mental mind is fragile and when she gets over run with filth and negative energy she purges. She moves lands and sinks countries, but builds more after. Why you ask? Because she must. Excuse me, I'm ranting again, we need to get to the good stuff.

Anyway, these cave people walking across the ocean floor in the middle of the night bear witness to a light so bright it sends their brains into seizures, unlocking the deepest knowledge of all life. Who we are, who we were, and who we will be. There has always been knowledge and consciousness, it's about tapping into it.

The problem with knowledge is no one wants to believe they know less than the next person. So, the smartest people "blessed" with the all knowledge tried passing on their knowledge to those who did not experience the all light. However, these people were either unwilling to change or didn't care to listen.

What then, what do you do when you can not reach the people you care about most? You hope, you hope that the knowledge you have is truth and that your heart is strong enough to preserve and share your light.

Well, that is all bullshit. In my five thousand years of being on this rock, I've learned that people are hopeless so save the ones you can. Also, we are in fact alone in the biological form.

So back to the beginning, over the years wizards and witches alike started to give up, and decided if no one would listen, then they must live forever with their magic. Now, death is a choice and growing old is a choice. Mortal immortals we can be killed but, choose if we die.

Remember kids, nothing is ever what it seems. So fast forward to Jesus, YES the Jesus. That whole pony show was a curse played out. "Satanist" and "harlot", those are just a few names you get called for dropping a truth-bomb like that.

The guy was clearly a magical genius. Water into wine, hah. Tell them they can't drink then show them, "hey if you follow me I'll show you how to manifest all the booze you want". They should have known a good magician never dies and tells. It's a good thing I'm not the son of Christ. It was a goddamn resurrection curse.

Joseph put the curse on Mary to show people magic could not be killed. So Mary's curse was that her first born son would have to experience death in order to complete the cycle and beat the dwarves on level three!! Just kidding about that last part, but on the real, God was a damn magical spellsmith.

So after that whole shit show, people, I guess, got a grasp on how evil they could truly be and power became God. So I wasn't there for any of that Christ shit.

I was down in Mexico getting my Tripp on with a bunch of forest dwelling gypsies that were teaching me to use plants to tap into my inner goddess. After the Ayuasca set in, that's when I felt it. I was lying there regretting every person I had a hand in killing, or fixing a village here, ruining another there. Taking their treasures in exchange for magical promises, spells that would make rain and fire. I lay there floating in and out of my drug rattled dreams.

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