180 Day of Life and Death

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180 Day of Life and Death


It's funny how could life give you everything you need in 180 days and the death take it all back in minutes, I'm one of those who always dreamed about the day I think about someone and found myself smiling just to remember his smile, one that caught my heart to his one endlessly and unlimitedly with out no conditions, I was dreaming with pure love the one I kept read about it in romantic novel books, the one I watched in romantic movies and the one I heard in those tragedy romantic songs that rhymed love into lyrics… but I never dreamed about him being Harry Styles not for any reason but he was nowhere from my wildest dreams.

I knew this love only going to end me up with the breaking that the whole medication and rehabs wouldn't fix… I tried, I really tried not to fall but my heart wanted to fall, my hearted wanted to love with the whole pain he had to handle later… 'cause there's no way I was falling and there's no way I was going to break.

A Fanfiction Based on The Fault in Our Stars- by John Green, Also Catch Me I'm Falling- by Maggie & Robbin.

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