The Wandmaker's Granddaughter Watches a Duel

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Amelia found herself on several more occasions wandering out of bed in her sleep. Sometimes her friends would stop her before she left the tower. Other times a teacher would find her in some hallway or classroom in the early morning hours. No matter what anyone tried they could not find a way to stop her sporadic sleepwalking.

As the days passed by the world grew colder and soon Halloween was fast approaching upon Hogwarts.  The halls and corridors creaked and darkened.  Cobwebs began to grow in the corners of rooms and under staircases.  A third year Ravenclaw swore she saw a spider as big as a Siberian husky scurrying the ceiling of the library.

A giant jack-o-lantern the size of at least ten first years appeared on the front platform of the great hall one morning to the surprise of the early breakfast crowd.  The tapestries in the great hall dulled in vibrancy and looked as if they'd been attacked by a werewolf.  The candles all glowed dimmer and the sound of the wind groaned throughout the castle throughout the night. 

Amelia and Lucy, after another glaring battle of wits with the Slytherin first years, walked in to the great hall only to find a long platform prepared in the middle of the room.  The dinning tables were gone leaving stadium risers in their place.

Everyone filed in and found seats.  The lights went out and the crowd silenced.  A light illuminated the raised middle platform where Headmistress McGonagall stood. 

"Good evening students," she began, breaking the silence.  " We have prepared a special performance for you today.  The four captains of each house's dueling club will be competing for you.  To begin, Ravenclaw's captain Keren Smith and Gryffindor's Quentin Casey."

Quentin, a curly haired seventh year, stood up to whoops and hollers from the rest of the Gryffindor section.  Across the way Keren, a tall, pale seventh year Ravenclaw, made her way to the other of the platform.  The opponents made their way to the middle of the stage and bowed before pacing out to the ends and facing one another.  There was a pause and the air seemed to hum with anticipation. 

"Begin," McGonagall said.  It seemed that, faster than lightning, sparks flew and the duel had begun.  The first years sat agape with astonishment at the speed, accuracy, and skill the duelers possessed.  Predicting one another's attacks and counters moving like a choreographed dance perfectly in step with one another, waiting for the other to slip ever so slightly.  The first chance came for Keren who managed to strike Quentin during a seconds pause to catch his breath.  Quentin stumbled back but managed to stay on his feet.  Barely a moment passed before they were back in their battle.  The next chance was Quentin's to take almost knocking Keren into a Slytherin first year in the first row of seats.  However, Keren managed to throw her weight back onto the stage keeping on her feet and countering the attack.

Both opponents were dripping sweat as the final strike came from Ravenclaw's Keren who found a hole in Quentin's defenses.  With one strike he slid right off the back of the platform.  The Ravenclaws cheered as Quentin stood disappointed and bowed to Keren who returned his bow before returning to the Ravenclaws.  McGonagall reappeared on the platform.

"Congratulations Ravenclaw.  Our next opponents are  Hufflepuff's captain Michael Brown and Slytherin's Victoria Lang."

Michael, a tall and muscular seventh year, walked up with the cheers of his house and others behind him.  Victoria, a very short, petite, Slytherin sixth year walked confidently and unfazed to face her opponent.  The pairing seemed to be the most ridiculous in opposing heights and statures.  Like the last pair, they met in the middle and bowed, a bit of a ridiculous sight as Victoria's head barely reached past Michael's waist.

They then moved to their respective sides and turned before waiting.

"Begin," McGonagall announced.  The word had barely finished echoing through the hall before Michael went flying off the back of the platform.  The Slytherins burst into cheers as every first, and most second, years in the room sat astonished.

"Congratulations Slytherin.  Well done to all the duelers today. I asked our duelers to come today in order to demonstrate what practice, discipline, and ingenuity can give you. Also, to promote our dueling clubs which will begin meeting next week. Everyone, including first years are welcome to join and improve their skills."

James looked at Lucy, "That looks wicked."

Lucy nodded.

"It does," Amelia whispered.

The Wandmaker's Granddaughterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें