The Wandmaker's Granddaughter Makes an Enemy

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Amelia was up at sunrise. She settled next to her alcove window with her potions book and began to read in the early light.

Mid-way through the Tattle Tale Potion, a loud snore broke her morning peace.  Amelia looked over to find Marta snoring louder than a rampaging bull in a china shop. Out of the corner of her eye, Amelia saw Athena sit up and glare at Marta through tired, angry eyes. Athena looked over catching Amelia's eye. Athena whispered, "If I smother her will I be expelled?"

"Most likely," Amelia replied closing her book and getting her clothes out for the day.

"What time is it?" Athena asked flopping around to lay with her head at the foot of her bed.

"An hour before breakfast is served," Amelia replied looking at her pocket watch necklace before sliding it over her head.

"What's our first class today?" Athena asked grabbing and hugging her pillow as her eyes began to shut.

"Charms," Amelia replied changing into her uniform.

"Ugh . . ." Athena said drifting asleep. Another thunderous snore caused her to jump from her bed and walk towards Marta. Athena stopped and looked at Amelia who was watching as she fixed her sleeves. "You're not going to stop me?"

Amelia shrugged, "She disrupted my morning reading."

Athena laughed and went to change as Amelia carefully packed her book bag.

Having nothing else to do, Athena and Amelia left for an early breakfast. They wandered a bit, taking their time exploring a few halls while trying to avoid the traps set by the poltergeists the night before.  The girls arrived within the first few minutes of the food being served. Unsurprisingly, they were also some of the first few in the great hall. They were the first to sit at the Gryffindor table and began to eat their fill. Slowly, people began to trickle in and soon Lucy and Ivy, their sixth roommate who was tall with dark skin and black hair, joined them at Gryffindor table.

"Was Marta still snoring when you left?" Athena asked as she finished her juice.

"Like a bulldozer," Lucy said before taking a big bite of sausage.

"If Amelia hadn't stopped me I would have killed her this morning," Athena said.  Lucy and Ivy snorted, had they been drinking anything in that moment it would have come out their noses.  Forks scraped near empty plates mixing with the eager morning chatter.

"What time is it?" Lucy asked through a full mouth.

"Eight fifteen," Amelia said looking at her watch.

"Should we go to charms class?" Ivy asked.

"We've still got loads of time," Athena said resting her head in her hands.

"Alright then, do you actually know where the charms room is?" Ivy asked putting down her silverware.

"No," Athena admitted tying her thick black hair back into a ponytail.

"Did you bring your books to breakfast?" Lucy asked finishing her last bite of food.

"No," Athena sighed.

"Then we should go," Ivy said standing. Amelia followed suit as Lucy drank her last sip of orange juice and hurried after them. Athena begrudgingly stood and followed. As they were leaving, James came rushing in with two other Gryffindor boys, Micah and Declan.

"Are we late?" James asked Lucy.

"Not yet, but you should hurry," Lucy said.

"Can you stall attendance?" James asked.

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