Here we go again

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Spence POV (girl)

Today was the first day of school.....

And it sucked

In the morning I had English then chemistry and now I'm in the middle of math class.

However, English wasn't that bad. I caught a cute boy staring at me and as soon as I caught him he blushed and turned away, which only made me blush. Though I wasn't paying attention when Mr.Bacrums said his name. I was a little busy doodling on my copybook.

The bell rang snapping me out of my thoughts.

I grabbed my stuff as rushed out of the class room. I always hated math class. Stupid algebra.

I check my schedule to see what's next only to stop dead in my tracks.

Lunch Break

I have always hated lunch breaks because a little skank named Brooke always pops up and makes fun of me. But I would never call her that to her face!

My stomach growled, due to my hunger, which meant I coouldn't skip lunch, even if I wanted to avoid Brooke's wrath!

I rushed to the cafeteria hoping I wouldn't see her.


If there was one voice I would recognize, its her's, and it's not a pleasant one! Brooke...

I quickly ignore her and pick up my speed to the cafeteria.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and when I turned around I see none other then the most popular girl in school, Brooke Ross.

My palms started sweating and I began shaking.

She smirks "what's wrong Levi?"

I gulped. She always calls me by my last name because she knows it get on my nerves.

She chuckles at my reaction"listen Levi, I don't mean to be a bitch...well actually I do"

She steps forward "But God Levi, your mustache is thicker than a Middle Eastern dictator."

I tried to take a step backward but she grabs my hand.


"Ahem" a voice in the background cut her off. Brooke released my hand and as soon as she did I quickly turned around to find my best friend Mayalea standing behind me.

"What do you want" Brooke said clearly irritated by her presence.

I quickly moved next to Mayalea

"What I want if for you to keep your shabby little hands off of Spencer"Mayalea said. She always defends me in these situations and I love her for it.

"Fine I won't tell Levi to look out for poachers who might might mistake her for the endangered white rhino" she says glancing at me for a second and then returns to glare at Mayalea.

"I seriously just wanna punch you''Mayalea says as she takes one step closer to Brooke, but Brooke doesn't move.

"You're so on my List, dwarf." Brooke spat, and with that she walks down the hallway.

Me and Mayalea look at each other for about five seconds before quickly attacking each other with a bear hug. We didn't see each other since before the last month of summer because she had to go to this summer camp in Switzerland and we also didn't have the first three periods together so this is the first time is I see her in a month.

"God I missed you soo much"she squeals

"I missed you too" I say letting go.

We walked down the halls and into the cafeteria, grabbed our food and sat down at an empty lunch table.

"Thanks for back there" I said munching on my salad."you didn't have to" I said looking down at my shoes. I didn't want to her get in trouble with Brooke because of stupidity.

"What do you mean spencer, of course i needed to" she said taking a bit out of her sandwich

"But now because of me, your in trouble with brooke, she can hurt you, change you." I tell her feeling guilty I couldn't stand up for my self.

"Spencer, it's not about who I am, okay. It's about who they are. They are people who hate, and they divide, and they feed off of people who don't fight back. Yeah I could laugh this off, but what about the girl who can't? What about you? Who's gonna help you?Silence only makes them stronger."she told me sighing

"You're right sorry" I say secretly hoping she would realize I wanted to end this conversation. And she took the hint.

"So have seen any cute guys you like? I hear there this new kid who's so hot!" She tells me looking around examining the guys.

My thoughts immediately drifted to the new guy from my English class 'cause he is the only guy who really caught my eye. Just the thought of him makes me blush.

"What you blushing about?"mayalea asks me snapping me out of my thoughts.

I tell her the story about the new kid and her eyes shine with excitement.

"Oh spence I think someone likes you"she half squeals

I quickly tell her to hush and that he doesn't not. I mean what would a guy like him see in me.

"Whatever you say" she mumbles

"What about you?" I ask

"Him" I see her point to a blonde boy and I recognize him and Jeremy Blake.

"Mayalea you can't date him I think he's gay!"

"You think..and why do you think that?"she asks me

"We'll because he in my English class and I have seen how he acts"i tell her

"OMG he is looking this way how do I look"she whispered fixing her shirt and whipping her mouth with a napkin.

I chuckle at her reaction. "You look fine" I tell her finishing my salad.


"Mhmm" I hum drinking my water

"The new kid is looking at you"she whispers.

I nearly chock on my water."wh-aa-t" I say putting the bottle on the table.

"Look" she points to them behind me. and when I look there way the new kid is certainly looking at me. I quickly turn away blushing.

Is he still looking I mouth

"Nope" She said popping the p.

"What do you have next?" I ask changing the subject

"" She said glancing at her schedule.

"Me too!" I exclaimed as I grabbed her hand "lets go and try not to be late alright?"

Not really giving the chance to answer I pulled her up and we ran, we'll i ran she jogged,to the art class.

But I swear before I left I couldn't have sworn I saw the new kid look at me again.

Before we could leave the cafeteria, I realized I didn't know his name, so I turned to my lovely best friend and asked

"What's his name?"

"Who?" She asked.

"The new kid." I mumbled suddenly shy with my bluntness.

"Oh! Well spencer dearest, the new kid's name is spencer"



Hey guys it's maya here. didn't really get to write anything in the introduction of the book so I'm just gonna say a few things

1) so so so excited to write my first novel with lea :)

2) I'm not mean XD

3) Lea obviously forgot to mention that I will be writing the girl Spencer's perspective while she will be writing the boy spencer perspective ;)

Thx for 20 READS!!YAY!!

Done be a ghost reader vote and comment:)

Love you all<3

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