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Holly sat in her room waiting for her dad to return home, hopefully with good news. As soon as she heard the door open she shot up and walked to where her dad stood.

"I got the job." He said after the two stared at each other expectantly. Holly grinned, pulling her father into her embrace.

"That's great. Incredible." She said as she continued hugging him.

"One problem. Its a night guard. So, guess whos coming to work with me?" He said, smiling like it was the best thing he ever did as a dad.

"What? I'm old enough to stay at home on my own." Holly said, groaning. She didn't want to stay up all night, with wax figures staring at her if she tried to sleep.

"I don't want you bringing guys over."

"I don't have a guy to bring over. Not met my soulmate yet, dad." She replied matter of factly. However, her dad could not be swayed she was going to the museum.


Holly and Larry walked into the museum at five, Larry meeting up with the three past night guards, explaining why Holly was there and talking about his new job.

Holly, wishing she was at home, told her dad she was going to find somewhere to sleep. She walked around the museum, taking in the exhibits, looking for the darkest one, as it was still quite light around the museum. Feeling gravitated to the Egypt section, that's where Holly went. She came across a tomb with two jackals standing across from each other and a tomb down the end. Holly knew this was the perfect place to sleep and convinced herself that there was no way there would be someone in that tomb. She felt oddly familiar and comfortable in this area of the museum but thought it was because she had been there before. She went up around the tomb, admiring the gold tablet on the wall. Her hand went to touch it, just as it began to glow. Holly's hand quickly jerking away.

"Oh my, did I break it?" She asked herself, looking around. She was about to escape the crime scene when a loud scream was heard from the sarcophagus. The scream created a chain reaction as Holly screamed causing the mummy inside to scream again.

"Holy shit." Holly said, taking small slow steps towards the sarcophagus, once again. "Is someone in there?" She asked, placing her hands on the tomb about to open it, "If this is some sort of prank, I swear to god." As she was about to push, the girl blacked out, falling to the floor a dream filling her dark eyelids.

A beautiful, dark-haired, tanned woman stood looking over the party her father had planned in hopes of finding her a husband. Her father didn't believe in marrying for love or marrying a soulmate, he believed in marrying for power and for money. His daughter, however, was hoping tonight would be the night she would find her soulmate, and if her father didn't approve, this would be the night she ran away.

No one had yet approached the girl, either fearful of her or her father, scared to not be of enough power, for his liking. That's why when this one man stood by her side, she couldn't deny the shock.

"Parties aren't really my scene." He said as he stood next to the girl, looking out at the party just like she was. He noticed the other men paying no attention to the beautiful lady at hand, but others in the room. He felt bad, a party for her and she wasn't even involved.

Now, these words wouldn't affect anyone else, but for the dark-haired woman, it was like something had erupted inside of her, like a bird being freed from a cage. All her life she had been waiting for those words, and she hadn't even looked up to see who said them yet.

When she did, she was surprised to see the new pharaoh, standing there, smiling lightly as he noticed in his peripherals that she had looked at him.

"Well, I guess you're too mighty a power." She replied eventually trying her best to act confident when in reality she just wanted to hug him. At these words, the young pharaohs eyes widened as he stared at the girl who was looking anywhere but him. He understood now her hesitance to reply, they had both just met their soulmates.

"I'm Hadeya." She said, finally looking at the man she was destined to be with.

"I'm Ahkmenrah." He replied smiling down at the girl, he already was falling in love with.

you're a zombie - ahkmenrah [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now