You Can Never Run Away

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Many years ago, special being called Shifters, inhabited the earth together with Humans. They prefer to live discreetly and tends to avoid humans just to avoid trouble. Shifters aren’t supernatural beings which people are very fond of nowadays. They’re not vampires or werewolves. They don’t drink or eat human blood and flesh and they definitely don’t transform into a monster at night and hunt down humans. 

They don’t sparkle in the sunlight. 

Shifters DO change their appearance but it depends on what kind of animal they are. But they’re not human. They either become a mouse, bird, snake and there is even a Shifter that changes into a huge grizzly bear.

Shifters aren’t human. They can only copy a human body and live like so. As to how they could do this is not known. 

But just like any other normal animals, they avoid humans as they’re afraid of getting hurt. Although humans doesn’t really mind the Shifters living amongst them. But, of course, there are people who doesn’t want ‘freaks’ in their surroundings. 

Those people joined forces and established the killing group, “Hunts”.

Years has passed until it became decades. Hundreds and thousands of Shifter was killed, brutally and mercilessly. Hunts went after the female Shifters first as they can reproduce. Hunts are aware that Shifters cannot be in a relationship with another specie, meaning Humans. This has never happened but it is possible as Shifters has both animal and human mindset and emotion.

The gruesome massacre went on and on until they couldn’t find a single Shifter anymore, probably because they couldn’t distinguish one anymore or they’re too blind to notice.

There are rumors going around that there are still 13 Shifters in the hiding. And because of the fear of getting caught and killed just because of existing, Shifter developed a skill of transforming into a full human. Before, Shifters can either change into their true form or change into half-human, their tail, eyes, ears and claws doesn’t go away.

Now, you don’t even know, the human beside you is a Shifter.

But, Hunts learned this information and found a Shifter’s weakness. Fear. Once scared, angry, depressed or surprised, they transform back into their true form against their own will. But even though that was the case, they still couldn’t find the remaining Shifters.

13 Shifters. 

50 Hunts.

My name is Micah Jan Connor. I’m a Shifter.


Yay! Another wait...I apologize. I'm so sorry if I'm making another one when my first story isn't even near from done. But I need to write this off or I'll totally forget about it. Bear with me guys! Please support both of my stories!

And also, I will be making a non-bxb story of this to my other account, HaraHana, so if you don't like a BoyxBoy story, this will be available in a GirlxBoy story right over there. Check it out!

I am dedicating all my BxB stories to xxWhoAteMyCookiesxx because her stories are TOTALLY AWESOME and she inspired me to create my own. 

Ayt! Lez doo diz!


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