Charcoal Christmas (Modern!Ubbe)

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"Shit! Shit!" Ubbe pulled back, his hands cupping your face with tiny little kisses all over. "I knew this would happen," He cursed under his breath.

"What? What's wrong?" Moving your head to the side, to avoid another kiss, wanting to know what his problem was.

"We have two hours until people get here for dinner, we can't be doing this. Not now." Ubbe groaned shifting around uneasily, trying to rid himself of the pressure in his jeans.

"Silly, Ubbe." You guffaw. Shaking your head, and running your fingers through his hair. Ubbe could swear he saw a damn twinkle in your eyes. "There is always time, we'll make it quick."

If his brothers and a few other friends happen to come in, to find the two of you fucking like a pair of horny teenagers then so be it. It wasn't as if you'd never walked in on Hvitserk or Bjorn.

"Hmm," Ubbe sat back on his knees, balancing on the bed. The judgmental look said that he wasn't entirely believing you.

"Say," You continued to talk, sitting up and draping an arm over his shoulders. "Can you do something for me?"

"Anything," Ubbe gulped down a lump in his throat when you tug his ear with your teeth. "Whatever you want, babe."

Biting his ear once more, you press your chest into his body for emphasis. "Make me feel...dirty."

"W...we really don't..."

"We can be quick, remember?" You slide off of the bed, hiking up your dress and sashay across the bedroom. Panties around your ankles, you know that Ubbe's senses were now clouded with lust.

Standing with your hands on the wall, in the frisking position, you glance over your shoulder to see what Ubbe was doing.

"Hey!" Ubbe barks with a stern expression. He looks so cute when he's trying to be rough. "Did I say you could look around? Face the wall and wait."

"Whatever you say." Your tone was coy and your smile sly. Shivering in anticipation, waiting to feel his hot breath on your neck and his body pushing against you. Tapping your fingers on the wall, you shifted to keep your legs from growing tired.

Ubbe was having too much fun with this.

Behind you the bed shifted and Ubbe's footsteps made little noise against the bedroom floor, your heart began to race and your core ached.

Without warning, Ubbe smacks your ass, growling. "Are you going to be a good girl?" Your only reply is a nod, unable to speak, due to the moaning. "Do everything I say?"

"Everything." You squeak when the second blow connected with your ass.

Ubbe hummed with satisfaction, if every roommate he'd ever has was as fun as you. His hands splayed against your stomach, you waited as patiently as you could for his next move. Pressing your ass against him, you wiggle back and forth enjoying the feel of his erection straining against his jeans.

"You're a tease," Ubbe mumbled reaching between you to unbutton his jeans.

This had to be the best way to pass time, while the two of you waited for Christmas dinner to cook. Free of his confines, Ubbe nipped the side of your neck careful not to leave too much of a mark, taking second to tease you.

Grinding his dick on your ass wasn't very nice of him, but who were you to protest? Had you not agreed to do everything he ordered?

"Wider," Ubbe nudged your hip with his. Doing as you were asked, you spread your feet father apart, leaning deeper into the wall. "Good girl," He praised, lining up with your slick entrance.

Fuck! You loved the way he filled you, whimpering when he pulled back and thrust his hips forward in a sharp, swift motion. You hadn't been with Ubbe long, but he had to be hands down the best lover you'd ever had.

"Ubbe, love." Your voice was husky.

"Humph." Ubbe grunted his thrust harder than the first few.

"You are such a magnificent man, Ubbe." You praised him, reaching behind to loop your arm around his neck.

Ubbe moved with a reckless abandon, wanting to make the most of the short span of time, his usual sensual and sweet style had gone out the window. His teeth grabbed your shoulder blade and his fingers were bruising your hips. There was only one objective to this.

"Babe," Ubbe paused mid stroke, not without a protesting groan from you. "Do you smell that?" He sniffed deeply, his nose wrinkled against the air.

"Smell what?" You ask, turning your head to look at him. What was so damn important that he had to deny you your prize?

"It smells like bacon and..." His eyes wide with realization. "Fuck! Fuck no!" He shouted, when the smoke alarm began to frantically screech through the small space. Slamming his hand against the wall, Ubbe growled, his head dropping to rest between your shoulders.

Cursing, Ubbe removed himself from the current position to save what was left of your dinner. Head spinning, you push away from the wall, trying to pull your dress down as you follow the path of the grumbling man. Fastening his jeans, Ubbe stood outside the bedroom door looking like a boy who'd lost his dog.

This was never to be spoken of, ever! Without saying so much as a word, the glance Ubbe threw you had cemented that very sentiment.

"Oh my god," You cover your nose, trying to block out the bon fire smell that etched into your apartment.

"Oh babe," Ubbe's shoulders sank and a frown creased his gorgeous face as he fumbled to get the roast pan out and the oven off.

"Nothing we can do now, love. Guess we'll make due." You shrug and pout. In all honesty, it had been totally worth it.

"Well," Ubbe rubbed the back of his neck, laughing at the crushing defeat. "Chinese it is."

Ubbe/Jordan Patrick SmithWhere stories live. Discover now