Pt 8

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To say Deran's bar looked like an absolute hole in the wall shack would be putting it nicely. For an establishment that did the business it did, the worn down watering hole vibe seemed to work and reflected it's owner well. The solid door creaked when Olivia pulled it open, walking into the bar hours before opening seemed odd, the atmosphere was still and the smell of cigarette smoke lingered in the dingy building.

At the bar, hunched over, watching Deran work away sat Adrian. Olivia had never pushed the subject, but it had became obvious to anybody with eyes that the two friends were a little bit more than that these days.

"We're closed." Deran yelled out of instinct hearing the door.

"It's only me." Olivia replied slinging her bag onto the bar top. "Adrian." Olivia nodded to the tall, slender surfer.

"'Livia." Adrian returned pulling out a stool for Olivia. "What brings you by at this hour of the day?"

"My need to drown sorrow?" Olivia shrugged. "Actually, I needed to talk to Deran." Her eyes locked with Deran's for a brief moment.

Adrian nodded in understanding. He had been around this crew long enough to know when something was his business and when it wasn't. If it was life or death, in a need to know way, Deran would tell him later.

"Right, I'll see you later."

"You can stay if you want." Olivia slumped her shoulders. "It's nothing secret."

Deran huffed from his side of the bar, wiping his arm across his forehead. "Craig being a dick, again?"

"What else is new?" Olivia scoffed. Adrian smirked. "Actually, I think I'm the one who fucked up this time."

Words Deran never thought he'd hear coming from Olivia Ealey. Adrian chuckled at the admission. Like Deran, those were never words he ever expected to hear.

"Oh yeah?" Deran raised his brow.


"Everybody makes mistakes, I guess." Deran rubbed his hand over his beard. "Whatever it is, I am sure it's not that bad."

Deran had heard about Olivia's visit to the Cody house. Craig had mentioned something about her showing up and irrationally yelling at him in the yard, he was too high and drunk to make any sense. Something about Corbin.

J didn't say too much about his visit with Olivia, the disgusted look when Deran mentioned her told him everything. All Pope would say was that she needed to listen, when he told her no.

When she had appeared at the bar, previous to her visit, he had a sense things weren't going to go well. She didn't say why she wanted Craig and she didn't have to. Deran had known her long enough to know she had been on the war path.

Not wanting Olivia to cause a scene, he had sent her to his mother's house.

"Corbin is pissed at me. Craig hasn't spoke to me in days. I fucked up."

Deran laughed. "Must be nice not to have Craig's idiot ass around."

"What's the secret?" Adrian chimed in, not knowing what else to say or do.

"Having his kids seems to do the trick." Olivia shrugged. Her fingers tapping against the wooden bar. "Corbin and I have never fought. Ever." Olivia sighed.

"Kids fight with their parents, it's what they do best." Deran added. Adrian nodded. Hell they both still argued and fought with their parents.

"I know, but I think he really hates me now. I shouldn't have kept this from him. If I had been up front then..."

"Then what? Huh? Then he'd be as fucked up as the rest of us? You're doing the right thing and you know that." Deran interrupted. "He's a kid, he'll come around eventually."

"And if he doesn't?"

"Then maybe he needs a visit with Uncle Deran?"

"Yeah? What are you going to do? The kid idolizes you." Adrian laughed.

"Another mistake." Deran rolled his eyes.

"Maybe we should go home? Pack it up. Tell my mom that I'm sorry, then go back." Olivia weighed her thoughts out loud. "Nobody here is missing us, anyway. I can go home, back to work, maybe..."

"Fuck that." Deran stated shaking his head in disapproval.

"Excuse me?"

"If you run away, again, then all you're doing is teaching Craig that when things get bad he gets off the hook. It's probably not doing shit for Corbin either, but what do I know? I'm not a child psychologist."

Annoyed that Deran would dare tell her what to do, Olivia couldn't disagree or argue his point. Sitting with her shoulders slumped and her head down, she was defeated.

"Look, I know that Craig is an idiot, but he's trying. It sounds like bullshit, this is Craig trying hard. He hasn't stopped talking about how cool it was to meet Corbin, in days." Deran slung the bar towel over his shoulder.

"I fucked up." Olivia hung her head, gazing at the sticky bar. "I shouldn't have gone off on him like that."

"No, you should have. Craig needs to hear it and it has to be from you. Otherwise, he ignores it and he'll never grow up." Deran slid the can of Sprite in front of Olivia. "You're right, he should be more focused on Corbin and how this effects him."

"You're not going to defend him?"

"Defend my brother, who has every chance in the world to have a fully functional relationship, yet throws it away for loose women and drugs? I'm on your side."

"It's not like I am doing any better." Olivia took a sip from the can, the carbonation an oddly soothing sensation. "My son hates me and thinks I'm some kind of massive liar."

"He'll come around." Adrian tried his best to add whatever he could to the situation. Everything the Cody's touched ended up fucked.

"No, he's right. I lied to him. I've lied to Craig. I've been lying to a lot of people and now..." Olivia paused. She needed to hear her wrong doings, truly, but hearing them from her nine year old son made them seem that much worse.

"It'll all blow over. What's the worst that could happen?"

Deran's only reply was a deep grunt, matched by Olivia snorting. Adrian looked so innocent for a moment, as if he'd forgotten who they were dealing with. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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