Pt 2

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California was hot, hotter than Olivia remembered. Lack of shade around the patio table was a contributing factor, she was certain of it. Back and forth, back and forth. Craig's eyes followed Olivia's pacing; she reminded him of a caged tiger at the zoo. Pacing, anxious, waiting to lash out.

He could have started this conversation with less hostility, which would have greatly decreased his chances of Olivia wanting to punch him in the throat. Craig counted his lucky stars that she didn't bother to carry a gun.

Throwing insults at your child's mother, while high, wasn't one of Craig's brightest moments. Back and forth, her flip flops slapped across the stone patio with each step. A scuff when she turned and moved back in the previous direction. Olivia chewed her bottom lip, tense and needing to slowly unwind before she spoke.

"Sit down."Craig pointed at a chair.


"Sit. Down."He was a fool to think he could boss her around.

"No!" snapped Olivia. "Don't tell me what to do."

Leaning against the glass top table, Olivia tipped the beer bottle to her lips, frowning when nothing came out. Resting on the edge of the table, she snarled when Craig rested against the table next to her. How dare he come out here demanding things and then acting like it was nothing.

J and Deran had given up watching from the window, a quick glance through the door revealed the kitchen was empty. Relief washed over Olivia, when the tears came the less audience the better.

"What happened to your head?" Craig pulled a few strands of hair between his fingers. Her once dark locks were now an off shade of purple. There was nothing better to say.

"I needed a change." Olivia swatted his hand away from her head.

"It looks different, I sort of like it." He sank down into a chair, swiping his own locks away from his eyes.

"I don't care what you like, Craig." Olivia moved away from him.

Leaning back in his chair, arm stretching out for her, Craig made a feeble attempt to grab her arm. "Are you fucking serious, Livvy? What the fuck is your problem?"

Pausing mid step, Olivia stood frozen, a laugh rumbling in her chest. Loud and ringing off the walls it hit Craig like a sharp knife. He'd heard that laugh before. A signature anger filled amusement.

"Really? You have the balls to ask me that? You're asking me what my problem is? You know what my problem is. The real question is what's yours?"

Tattooed arms folded across his chest, Craig smirked. A look of amusement and torment crossing his features. Sometimes, when Olivia thought of this exact look, she wanted nothing more than to punch him. To knock that cocky smirk right off of his face. Ironically it was the same look that had taunted her until he'd got her into his bed.

Craig Cody had a power that was worse than any drug that Olivia had ever tried. One glance at that cocky smirk and women fell over themselves to be near him. Once they got close and got to know him, they changed their minds and ran for the hills. Olivia had often thought about Craig, as a whole, about how he made people run away. If he cleaned up, got way from his mother, and this life - he could have potential. Years of day dreams had left her wondering if Craig were to walk away, would they be different? Could he be somebody she'd allow in her life, all the time?

"I'm sorry." Craig's words were nearly shocking.

"You're what?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come out here looking to argue." He sighed, shifting around to lean his head against the back of the chair. His long legs splayed under the table, making him look ridiculous. "I panicked. You show up out of the blue and like the last time, I assumed you were pissed off."

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