The Receiving

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 I jolted up from a near-sleepless night, my hair falling round my face in messy tufts. I sucked my knees to my chest, feeling at my calloused feet and glancing at my shiny, black shoes which hadn't fit in years now. Scrambling to the Crowsnest railing, I tried to find strength in my limbs as I started my climb down to the deck. It was a big day, so I needed to feign nonchalance and happiness. I could not let my nightmares interfere with my life.

Lucious was the first person to meet me at the bottom of the mast, squeezing me into his portly arms and ripping me in a joyous circle. Though I knew it wasn't nearly as easy for him to lift me now that I was older-- for I was challenging his height by now-- I appreciated that he pretended it was so as to not offend me.

I giggled. "Lucious, let me be! I smell awful. I've been sweatin' and dreamin' all night."

He kissed me on the cheek roughly. "Lass, I'm a pirate. To me, you smell mighty pretty. Are ya ready for a day of celebration?"

I shook my head. "To be honest, I wasn't even sure you all'd remember."

His eyes bulged, indignant. "When have we ever forgotten? Why, the Commodore is even coming to see you!"

A secret surge of glee filled my stomach, knowing that I meant enough to my teacher for him to visit me. I'd only left the Misty Lady for a visit to the Wench two weeks ago, and under normal circumstances, Admiral Teague would have cared not to visit so soon. After all, in another two weeks or so, I'd be back to my studies on the Lady.

"Is he? Why on earth would he do that? He has better things to do, and this year'll be just like all the others."

"Why, but it won't, m'lady. It'll be magnificent!" He took my elbow gently, pushing me into stride alongside him and ticking his tongue. "Good blazes, I can't believe it's been fifteen years since we found ya!" Giving me a final warm hug around my shoulders, he steered me towards the door of the Captain's Quarters. Hearing muffled shouts and watching frightened deckhands file out of the room, I knew exactly what was happening.

Samson was having another spell.

"Darlin', I know this day is yers, but wouldja mind? He's gettin' violent again."

I nodded, removing myself from Lucius's arm and creeping through the doorway.

The men had managed to dally his hands to his chair, but that hadn't kept him from being threatening. He'd tipped himself onto the floor, writhing and snapping his teeth.

"Where am I? Why are you holding me here? Let me go you blasted curs!" His bloodcurdling roars were followed by slews of expletives that made even pirates blush.

Things had changed drastically since I first went to the Misty Lady. Upon my return after the fleet's three-year separation, I was told that my dear Captain had fallen ill. He went through fits of anger where he screamed for his family, accused us of their demise, and didn't remember a face he saw. Though he quite often forgot me, I was the most likely to snap him out of it. His hands shook, his words jumbled, and he claimed to see things that weren't there. As far as I was concerned, he'd gone mad. The instances where I got to spend time with the man I knew as a child were so slim.

"Sammy!" I cried, falling to my knees and briskly bringing his chair to its feet again, then retracting myself so as to not offer an opportunity to get bitten or scratched. He thrashed back and forth, looking at me with eyes that offered no kindness nor humanity.

I lunged towards the desk, trying to keep my calm as I groped for an ale stein and filled it with cider. Bringing it to his lips, he refused it for a moment before conceding.

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