Chapter 27

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I really love this song, ugh.

Writer's Note - I pump out (About) 4K words a week on this story, lol. Is that even a lot? 2-3 chapters a week is enough, right?

Please vote! Think of voting as a way to stroke my ego. When I get those little notifications that someone voted I'm like "omg they like me, they really like me." Like yeah it increases the story's ranking but I'm all about the dopamine rush, too.

Also the plot seems loose right now but trust me things will make sense. And this is more of a character driven/growth story anyways.


I woke to the sound of snapping and Dr.Nguyen towering over me, glowering.

"Well fuck you, too." I said. "Why are you in my house?"

I heard Mike's sigh from somewhere, "See? He doesn't normally act like this. It's like his filter is completely gone."

Ky clucked his tongue. He was wearing a stethoscope and put it to my chest. The metal felt like ice against my skin. I tensed but Ky just listened to my heartbeat. "His heart rate is too fast. He's not sweating enough and he has a severe fever. I would actually recommend he go to the hospital but he's too far gone to be moved right now and they wouldn't be able to do anything for him there."

Mike sounded scared, "What is that supposed to mean?"

Ky had a distant expression on his face, "It's a magic fever. An infection originating in his secondary magix."

"Will he be okay?" Mike said in a small voice.

Ky gave a reluctant smile, that one dimple he had appearing, "I think we both know that Derrick wouldn't let a fever get him down. But it's not really up to either of us. He just has to get through it."

"Why are you talking about me like I'm not here? This is why I hate tall people." I said, wishing I could feel comfortable. "I'm still thirsty." I said sharply.

Ky narrowed his eyes, "I'm just a doctor...So." He looked at Mike as though giving him a silent order.

Mike hurried out of the room.

Ky sat down on a chair beside the bed, soaking a piece of cloth in cold water before sponging my skin. I closed my eyes in pleasure, feeling like my skin wasn't burning for the first time. "You're worse than my children." Ky said, moving the cold cloth in small circles around my chest and my shoulders.

"Why do you have children? And are they even yours...biologically?"

Ky frowned, "At least one of them, yes."

"You said they were twins, so-"

"Well it's possible for a woman to give birth to twins with two different fathers."


"So I'm the father of one and Eun-Jae the other."

"But how does that work?"

"There are different ways but let's just say ours were a happy accident." He gave me a rakish grin.

I wrinkled my nose, "Gross."

"Your boyfriend actually called me at a terrible time, so my children are in your living room. Don't worry, they know how to behave themselves. Minh especially likes your tv."

"They better not touch my paint or go into my painting room." I warned.

Ky frowned, "They know  not to explore. Maria is coming to pick them up anyways, it'll be a few hours, though. Miguel was kind enough to give them some snacks."

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