New friend (short)

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AN: I don't own any recognizable characters.

AN: River Section: Brown bears, Tundra Wing: White bears, Forest Hall: Black bears.

AU: Modern High School

Characters: Ujurak x OC, Hattack, Lusa

Song: "See You As A Dove" Wicca Phase Springs Eternal



"Look, leave me the fuck alone, Hattack." I heard a voice growl down the hallway and sighed, gently closing my locker. Hattack had a reputation. Not only was he a bully, but

he didn't take "No" for an answer. I glanced around the corner, seeing a blonde-haired girl squaring off to the jerk in question.

Rashka was a junior, two years above me in school, and well known. She was quick witted as well as quick tempered. But she had always been civil with my group of friends.

As I watched. she made a move to turn around but Hattack grabbed her wrist. That's when I stepped in.

Living with three very moral people made it so I couldn't just stand by and watch someone smaller being pushed around. Squaring my shoulders, I started forward.

"Hattack. Leave her alone." I calmly said, hands on the straps of my backpack. He glanced me up and down before harshly laughing. Rashka took this time to yank her wrist out

of his grip, before snarling and shoving him backwards "Get the fuck out of here."

Hattack looked taken aback, before he lumbered off growling. Rashka turned to me, smiling slightly before running her hand through her hair. "Thanks, Ujurak."

I smiled back.

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