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AN: I don't own any recognizable characters.

AN: River Section is for brown bears, Tundra Wing is for white bears and Forest Hall is for black bears.

AU: Modern high school

Characters: Toklo x Aiyanna, Lusa, Hattack

Song: "Perfect Strangers" Jonas Blue, JP Cooper


"Look Lusa, I just don't know." I slammed my locker for extra emphasis, but she just grinned up at me bemusedly. I can't believe she has the nerve to come into River Section just to ask me about a girl!

I huffed and started down the hall towards my fifth period class, ignoring the poorly concealed mutters at the sight of Lusa practically at my heels. It wasn't even how that annoyed me, but how they talked about one of my best friends.

She kept a steady pace, consistently poking fun at me with "What're you gonna say to her?" and "She's looking pretty today!"

As we neared my classroom, which was surprisingly close to Forest Hall, I heard a familiar voice "Just leave me alone, Hattack!"

Of course it's her.

A little ways away from my classroom stood Aiyanna, (the girl of my dreams) glaring up at Hattack, (the resident douchebag) who had his hand clenched tightly around her sturdy wrist.

Normally, I wouldn't physically hurt him. Aiyanna is more than capable at protecting herself, and she's made that clear time and time again. But he's never touched her, and even from my view down the hall I can see a flicker of fear in her hazel eyes.

Red filled my gaze and with a quick mutter of "Stay out of this." towards Lusa, I darted down the hall and practically body checked Hattack away from her. He stumbled to keep his balance and turned with a snarl, drawing himself up to his full height the way we all did before a fight. I wasn't afraid to fight him, but the way Aiyanna was looking at us while she rubbed her wrist was enough to make me hesitate.

As Hattack shifted his weight and suddenly lunged toward me, a dark blur knocked him to the side. There stood little Lusa, facing off to this giant brown bear. Why did I expect her to listen to me? of course she wouldn't. Hattack gave her a look of pure hatred, malice glittering in his eyes. He raised an arm, ready to sweep her off her feet. Lusa flinched as I prepared my body to jump forward and take the blow for her, but someone else cut in.

Aiyanna stood in front of Lusa, anger rolling off her in waves. Hattack stopped his arm midway and sneered "First you wanna be with an bear unloyal to his own kind," He glowered at me "Then you protect weak little black bears! Are you sure you should even be in River Section!" and with that he lumbered off trying to keep his pride by getting the last word, even though he was beaten. "At least I'm loyal to the people I care about! You're hardly even a bear, you bastard!"

The mask of bravery faded and Aiyanna turned and suddenly pulled Lusa into a hug. Lusa responded with equal strength, both of them squeezing tight before pulling apart. Aiyanna glanced at me and took a step forward, before looking at Lusa through the corner of her eyes. "I hope you're alright, but I told Ujurak I would meet him by the... ugh, by the nearest water fountain." Lusa lied lamely, and behind Aiyanna's back gave me a thumbs up and a kissy face before bounding off, presumably to tell another one of our friends about this, if they weren't in class that is.

It was just Aiyanna and I in the empty hallway, and I took a deep breath through my nose when she stepped forward. "What were you thinking Toklo, you stupid idiot! That you always need to leap to my defense? Is that it, huh? That I can't protect myself? Well, let me tell yo-" She broke off with a glare when she heard me snorting in laughter.

I gained control of my laughter and said "Believe me when I say I know you can take care of yourself. But.." I took a deep breath. Here it comes. "I want to protect you, and take care of you. Hattack mostly just flirts with you, and that already drives me crazy. But he put his hands on you, and something in me just snapped."

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