Change Me: Chapter 12

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Zaniyah's P.o.v

Next day...

Just a few weeks ago I was telling myself I didn't need a boyfriend, which I don't. I have one, but I don't and didn't need one. The more me and Damon spend time together, the more I second guess our relationship.

I have been hurt in the past and Im not sure If Im ready for a relationship. I need to change myself first. Ive been trying forever to change but at this point I still haven't.

Damon is a great guy.

I want him to help me, change me... But Im scared.

Ive been so caught up in my friends buisness and lives that I almost forgot about mine.

Damon: Hey baby

I turn around and see him standing behind me smiling at me.

Zaniyah: Hi

We hug and stand there for a while.

Damon: Sooo umm.. what's up?

I chuckle and slightly smile.

Zaniyah: Nothing

He nods his head and looks at me for a few seconds before grabbing my hands and holding them.

Damon: I'll walk you to class

We get to my class and Damon gives me a kiss.

Damon: I really like you Zaniyah and I just want you to know Ive never felt like this before about a girl and I don't want you thinking we rushed this or anything

It's like he read my mine.

He bites his lip nervously and I can't help but to smile and let all those thoughts slip to the back of my head. It's time I start doing things Ive never done, changing, that's what I need to do. It's hard, but I can try.

Zaniyah: Damon promise me something

Damon: Anything

Zaniyah: Promise me you'll help change me into a better person, into the person that I want to be for you and myself.

He smiles and pulls me in for a hug.

Damon: I like you just the way you are Zaniyah

Zaniyah: I want you to help me love you Damon

Damon looks at me for a while before nodding his head and kissing my forehead.

Damon: Of course I will

I smile and walk into class.

Dylan's P.o.v

Dylan: Baby please answer the phone Im worried about you. You haven't been answering the phone all day and when I came over your mom lied and said you weren't home when I could clearly see you sitting on the stair case. Bria tell me what's going on. Did I do something wrong?

I sigh and look down.

Dylan: Call me back. I love you.

I hang up the phone praying she will call me back this time. I have left Bria over 30 voicemails today worried about her. I don't know what I did for her to be so mad at me to the point where she won't answer none of my phone calls.

I start up my car and drive to work.

After work I pull up to Bria's house and knock on the door only for her mom, Denise to open the door. She slightly smiles at me.

Denise: Hello Dylan

Dylan: Hi Denise. Is Bria home? Ive been trying to get a hold of her all day and I want to make sure everythings okay.

Denise sighs.

Denise: She told me to tell you she wasnt home but listen Dylan she really isnt feeling good and she doesnt want to be botherd with. I promise you will know what's going on soon.

I sigh.

Dylan: Please Denise I really want to see her

She looks into my eyes and we stand there in silence for one whole minute.

Denise: Come in

Dylan: Thank you

I walk in and give her a hug and make my way up the stairs before she calls my name and I turn to look at her.

Denise: Dyaln please don't hurt my baby, she really needs you. Especially now.

I nod my head and walk up the stairs and into her room without knocking.

Bria: Did he leave mom?

Dylan: No he's still here

She sits up really quickly and rests on her headboard.

Bria: Dylan we need to talk

I sigh and sit next to her waiting to hear what she has to say.

Justice's P.o.v

Justice: Darius stooop

I giggle as he tickles all down my sides in front of my locker.

Justice: I have to get home Darius

He stops and grins at me and leans in giving me a sloppy kiss.

Darius: Has anybody asked you about us?

Justice: A couple of people

Darius: And what did you say?

Justice: Just know that's all mine

He smirks and kisses my lips again.

Darius: Mhmm let those niggas know

Justice: Are you letting those bitches know?

Darius: Of course baby cakes

He grabs my hand and we walk down the stairs and then out of our school building and to his car.

We get in and he immediatly starts the car.

Darius: What you want to eat?

Justice: Taco bell!

Darius: Fatty

I hit his chest and he chuckles and we soon pull up to the drive-thru.

Darius: Can I get a six soft tacos with mild sauce and two medium sprites

We get our food and Darius parks in the parking lot of a deserted park and we sit eating listening to the radio.

Darius: Damn we should have gotten more

Justice: Yeah we should have

I lay my head on Darius chest.

Darius: You better not fall asleep

Justice: Im not

My eyes start to close and I feel myself going into a peaceful sleep. The last thing I hear is Darius chuckling and turning off the radio.

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