Chapter 8~

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~ A new companion? ~

You receive a text from Toriyuki saying that he wanted to go with you to the mall. Well of course you wanting to thank him from last time you said yes, and you wanted to treat him too!.

But you cant go yet without asking Kiyochi. Which if he says yes, which is impossible. But you still tried.

You walk towards the brunette male. Who is sitting on the floor.

"hey, Kiyochi?"

You ask sitting beside the male. He hummed in response as he looks at his phone to you.

"Uhm.... Can i go to the mall?"

You say in a worried tone.

One of his eyebrows raised.

"with who, and why?"

He says with a scary tone.

"With a friend, just.... Going shopping"

"and who's this friend of yours?

"d-do you have to know?"

You ask almost fidgeting with your fingers.

"of course i do"

"its just a friend that wanted to catch up... With things"


You nodded. You look at him and see that he was thinking hard about what to say. Then he answered.

"okay, but be home by 5:00"

"wait, really?!"

"don't you want  to?"

"i do, i do, thanks!"

You say and pecked his cheek before standing up. And before leaving waved goodbye to Kiyochi.

You walk down the pathway to the mall. As you near the mall you see a certain white hair. First you doubted but when you looked around he was the only male with that hair color, so you quietly walked to him and tapped his shoulder. He turns around to be shocked by you.


You say smiling.

"Oh i didn't know you were already here!"

He chuckles.

"so why'd you invite me?"

"hm?, oh well i just well.... Wanted to talk to you and also wanted to know you"

"oh, do you?"

He nodded in response.

"well then, to start my name is (Y/N) (L/N), in which you already know, i am a (describe yourself). Tho if your trying to woo me, just telling you i am dating somone"

You say, putting both your hands on your waist.

"im not trying to, i just wanted to get to know you. Like be friends"

"oh, well thats simple how about we talk while we stroll around the mall, sounds good?"

"yeah, sure"

And you both start to stroll around the mall. Not noticing that somone was also following behind.

"lying to me now are you"

He whispers creepily.


"So you're working at your fathers company?"

~FALLING INLOVE~[×Yandere Male x F!Reader×]Where stories live. Discover now