Chapter 3~

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Warning: this is suppose to be at the first chapter but im too lazy to add it there. All the chapters might be a little short due to lack of ideas, or just full on laziness. Some chapters might have strong languages so read at your own risk. Thankyou~

You sat down infront of your coffee table or where you mostly study. You have a test due on tomorrow, so you wanted to spend your spare time studying. (wow so smart!).

A few hours of scanning and reading your books and notes you relax your mind by making hot choco.

"yesss, i just want to relax now"

You say as you sip on your coco. You were enjoying your coco when suddenly you heard a thud.

"what the?!"

You carefully placed your coco down and stood up looking around for any damages or something.

'weird, what was that?'

You thought as you approach your window. Opening it. And stick your head out to see if there are any bothersome creatures lurking around.

"i swear if i see that raccoon, i am so going to boil it. After eating my cookies"

You say once more looking around. And finally you close your window. You sigh as you finish your coco, so you can go to bed.

You wash your mug and put it aside to dry then you wiped your hands. You walked towards your closet to change into your sleepwear. You walked to your bed and laid down to tuck yourself in. You sigh and closed your eyes, drifting off to sleep.

There were more thudding and banging sounds so that made you annoyed and creeped out at the same time making it hard for you to sleep. And what happened bothered you for the rest of your life. (well not literally).

Your eyes weren't full on shut so you can still see your dark room. And on the corner of your room is a figure, a tall and slender one. (slender man?!). It shocked you and scared you, i mean who wouldn't be scared seeing someone was in your house staring at you while you sleep. You were too scared to fully open your eyes or turn away, so you stayed at your position the whole time while the figure was standing there, looking directly at you.

What scared you the most was when it started to move. What was weird is it moved slowly like it was tip toeing. It was like it knew that you were wide awake and looking at them.

It slowly went in the light, showing its features. It was male, he had white hair and red menacing eyes. Glistening from the light. He smirked.

"i know your awake..... You don't have to pretend"

He said with a manly tone of voice. (ik its suppose to be scary but what?!). Chills run down your spine while he gets closer, and closer, and closer. Until you finally feel his breath hitting your nose.

You were scared to look at him but you didnt have any other choice, he already knew you were awake you cant pretend any longer. So you had to do what you had to do. You slowly and shakily opened your eyes.

Your body shook as you see his red glowing eyes so close to you. He smirked making his eyes more scarier to look at. Even though he had a handsome face he was scary and you knew that.

He slowly lifted his hand and placed it on your cheek. His hand fitted perfectly on your small cheek. You shivered as you felt his cold hand move to your hair, he stroked it carefully treating you like a porcelain doll. It made you more scared rather than calm. His aura was different, while Kiyochi's was sweet and adorable, his was....... Well..... Scary and dark. Tears wanting to fall from your eyes but you forced it to stay.

"don't be scared, my lovely i won't....... Hurt you"

It made you more uncomfortable when he spoke with his calm voice, his cold breath hitting your face. Everything about him was cold, except his persona. He was more like...... Empty. It seemed that way with his eyes looking straight at yours.

Now you cant keep it any longer. Slowly your tears fell, one by.... One. Trippling down your cheek, making your eyes all wet and feel like a waterfall. His eyes weren't shocked but more like he enjoyed it even more. He smirked again.

His face slowly came forward. And he kissed your forehead, again and again. Making your tears disappear......... Why? You didn't know all you knew was that you were scared of him and thats all, but why did you stopped crying?. You didn't know.

"its okay........ Stop crying, i won't hurt you i won't forgive myself if i do"

He says in a comforting way. But it was creepy for you.

You just nodded in response. He stopped kissing your forehead and he slowly moved away from your face. Smiling at you. This time it comforted you. And he started to stroke your hair again. Making you sleepy. Slowly, you drift off to sleep not knowing what he will be doing after that.

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