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The weekend rolled around quickly and here we are, back at the sorority house for another fun night filled with partying.

"Why is he here again?" Cody complains to the small group we're sat in on the floor of the lounge room of the sorority house. "He was here last weekend too." Cody adds, groaning.

"He's Harley's roommate and Harley likes him, so he's dragging the kid along." Kiera explains.

"He's a total idiot. He's so obnoxious and fucking irritating." I groan, rubbing my forehead. He gets to me even when he's not around. Cody must like my reaction as he moves to wrap and arm around my waist and pull my closer to him, but I move away quickly in the opposite direction, pretending that I didn't realise his intentions.

"He's not that bad." Harley defends his roommate. Are we even talking about the same person? "He just hasn't got out much. Strict parents, you know?"

"I'm sure if you gave him a chance, you'd like him, Gemma." Kiera sides with Harley, obviously. She always takes his side, the suck up. They aren't even actually a real couple.

"Yeah, right." I scoff.

"Why not? He is cute." Kiera says.

"Cute?" I question. "He's definitely not cute." I lie through my teeth. I admit, there may be something about Alex that's cute. Potentially.

"Yeah he is." Ava agrees with Kiera.

"No one asked for your opinion." Kiera snaps at Ava.

Kiera and Ava don't really get along. I don't even know why. I don't care either. Sometimes, they get along fine but other times it's like being stuck in the middle of a fight between a cat and a dog.

Ava doesn't seem at all bothered or at all affected by the way that Kiera just spoke to her.

"I was just saying." Ava shrugs.

"You know what would be really funny?" Kiera asks randomly. "If Gemma made Alex fall in love with her."

"Why would that be funny?" Cody asks, glaring at Kiera for suggesting such a thing.

"What'd I miss?" Nate interrupts, coming and joining the circle we're sat in. He sits next to Ava and pulls her into his side. She immediately responds to his touch, resting the head against his shoulder.

"They're talking about Harley's roommate." Cody explains. "Kiera was just saying that it would be funny if Gemma made him fall in love with her." He spits, anger directed towards Alex in his voice.

Nate laughs, "That would be funny considering his little confession in Truth or Dare last weekend and we all know that Gemma doesn't get attached to anyone."

"See!" Kiera exclaims, "I knew it was funny. Gemma, you should do it."

"You know," Nate starts, his tone full of mischief. "We could make it a lot more interesting." Nate says as he twirls an unlit cigarette around his fingers.

"Oh and how's that?" I challenge, leaning forward to rest my chin on the palm of my hand.

"How about a bet?" Nate smirks. "You get him to fall in love with you, we give you money."

"Money?" I question.

"Yeah." Nate shrugs.

"How much would I be looking at?"

"There'd be a time frame, obviously."

"If you really think you can do it Matthews, I'll give you a week." Kiera says.

A week to make the snobby boy who probably thinks he's too good for everyone here fall in love with me? That's not enough time. He's going to be a hard nut to crack.

"A week? Kiera, he already doesn't like me. I think I'll need more time." They don't know how stubborn this boy is.

"How long do you think it will take?" Harley asks and downs a mouthful of beer. "Two weeks? A month?"

"Look," Kiera interjects. "You make him fall in love with you within a month, I'll give you three hundred and fifty dollars." Kiera says, leaning back against Harley's chest as he wraps his arms around her torso.

Cody's jaw drops, "Three hundred and fifty dollars?" I find his attitude amusing. He just doesn't like the idea of any one taking his spotlight, especially Alex. He's an attention seeker.

"I'll add five hundred." Nate says, lighting a cigarette.

"So that's eight hundred and fifty dollars. You think you can do it in a month?"

"Of course." I smirk. "I just hope he doesn't get all clingy." I say. The last thing that I want to deal with this year is trying to get a lovesick puppy to leave me alone.

"It's going to be a challenge." Kiera teases. "You said yourself, he already isn't particularly fond of you."

"I love a challenge." I wink at her, earning a giggle.

"He's not going to go for you." She teases. "He's not that stupid."

"We'll see." I shrug and take a sip from my own cup filled with water.

"We're going to need proof." Nate says, looking at me directly.

"Proof?" I question.

"Yeah," Nate says, looking at me like I'm stupid. "Something that shows that he actually loves you."

"Ooh" Kiera says excitedly. "Film the 'I love you' declaration. We'd love to see that."

"No, we wouldn't." Cody snaps. Jealous much?

"Shut up, Cody!" Harley says. "It's good enough proof for me. Nate?"

"Sure, you get him saying he loves you, on video and you get eight hundred and fifty dollars."

"This should be fun." I smirk, biting my lip.

"This is stupid!" Cody huffs. "Who cares if she can make a stupid guy fall in love with her?"

What's the point of this? I ask myself. Cody does have a point. For once. Who cares about this boy?

Then there's another voice in my head. It could be fun. It'll give me something to do and I can annoy him even more than I already have.

"So the bet is this, Gemma has one month to make Alex fall in love with her. If she does she gets eight hundred and fifty dollars." Kiera clarifies for everyone in the circle.

"You sure you can do this?" Nate asks once again. I'm slightly irritated by the fact that they keep asking me if I'm serious about doing this.

"Of course."

"Then we have a deal." Nate says and offers out his hand to me. I take it and shake his hand, sealing the deal.

We stay in the group a bit longer. I watch as the people I hang out with, get more and more drunk and intoxicated. Nate moved on from cigarettes and is now passing a joint back and forth between him and Cody. Cody's sour mood seems to disappear each time he has the joint.

Not wanting to be around these people anymore, I stand from the group. I have a boy to find.

"Where are you going Gemma?" Kiera calls out after me. She must have come for air and noticed my absence considering before I stood up and turned around her tongue was playing battle royale with Harley's.

I turn back around and throw her signature smirk. "You said it yourself. It's going to be a challenge. Better get started now rather than later."

"Have fun." Kiera smiles maliciously.

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